The Identity Bot is a configurable Bot for Web Chat and in-app messaging experiences that will automatically request an end user’s name and / or email address if this information has not been collected previously. If that info is already available on the user’s profile, this Bot will not ask again.

The end user experience with the Identity Bot in Android

The end user experience with the Identity Bot in Web Chat

This Bot can be enabled for the Web Chat widget and for Conversational Issue Filing once you have those features set up. If you have not set them up yet, please review the following:

If you are already using the Login API to collect your user’s name and email, then the Identity Bot will not run, as this information does not need to be collected in the conversational flow. We recommend that if you are already collecting this information about your end users in another way, then you should use the Login API to pass this information to Helpshift so the Identity Bot does not need to ask them again.

If you plan to use Conversational Issue Filing without the Identity Bot, in order to collect the user’s name and email from within the conversation flow, your developer will need to configure our Login API. Please review our developer documentation for iOS and Android to get started.

Enable Identity Bot for iOS & Android

To enable the Identity Bot for your in-app users, navigate to the Settings page.

From here, scroll down to App Settings, then select your app.

On the page that appears, scroll down to the ‘In-App SDK Configurations’ area, then click the ‘Configure SDK’ button.

Navigate to the ‘Support Experience (iOS & Android only)’ tab.

Scroll down to where the Identity Bot is listed, then click the toggle on the right side to enable it.

To save this setting, click the ‘Save & Publish’ button in the top right corner.

Enable Identity Bot for Web Chat

To enable the Identity Bot for Web Chat, navigate to the Settings page.

From here, scroll down to App Settings, then select your app.

On the page that appears, scroll down to the ‘Web Chat’ area, then click the ‘Customize Web Chat’ button.

On the page that appears, scroll down to the ‘Identity Bot’ section, then click on the toggle on the right side to enable it. Once it has been enabled, you’ll be able to select whether you want to collect the user’s name, email, or both.

To save this setting, click the ‘Save & Publish’ button in the top right corner.