In Helpshift Analytics, the Contact Rate is calculated by the following formula:

[(issues reported #, divided by MAU #) multiplied by 100]

As an example, imagine your app has 2 users:

  • Day 1: Only User 1 logs in and reports an issue.
  • Day 2: Only User 2 logs in and reports an issue.
  • Day 3:Both User 1 and User 2 log in, but only User 1 reports an issue.

For that 3-day period, our aggregate data would show:

  • Issues Reported: 3
  • MAU: 2 (the number of unique users who logged in over this period of time)

To calculate Contact Rate we’d divide the Issues Reported by the MAU, and then multiply it by 100:

  • Day 1 Contact Rate: (1/1) multiplied by 100= 100
  • Day 2 Contact Rate:(1/1) multiplied by 100= 100
  • Day 3 Contact Rate:(1/2) multiplied by 100= 50
  • Aggregated Contact Rate: (3/2) multiplied by 100= 150

As a result, aggregate Contact Rate over a period of time will always be higher than an individual day’s Contact Rate.