Helpshift is — simultaneously — a company, a platform, an SDK provider, and a product.
  • Company — As a company, Helpshift is a B2B service provider. Everything that Helpshift does as a company centers around our single, unifying purpose — to rid the world of poor customer service.
  • Platform — Helpshift is both a mobile-first, mobile-native customer service platform and an integration platform. 
    • “Mobile-first” and “mobile-native” do not mean mobile-only. Helpshift technologies equip our B2C customers to support their consumers in many ways, across multiple platforms and contexts.
    • Every platform integration that we develop furthers our mission to enable, deliver, test, measure, and optimize high-quality customer service anywhere.
  • SDK-provider — To begin activating a Helpshift-powered support experience for their end-users, independent and third-party software developers can integrate various Helpshift SDKs into their software projects.
  • Product — As a product, Helpshift is available through any of three paid subscription packages — StarterGrowth, and Enterprise (see Feature availability per subscription package), whose features and service thresholds are generally* cumulative. 
    • Subscriptions are available for purchase through Unity or directly from Helpshift.
    • No-cost addons to our product include customized Helpshift template apps for deep data analysis and visualization in Microsoft Power BI, which is sold separately.
* API calls are not cumulative.