To remove or delete an FAQ Section, navigate to the FAQ tab and click the trash icon to the right of the Section title.

A pop-up will appear warning you that deleting the section will also move all of the FAQs contained within it to the first section. Click the ‘Delete‘ button to finalize this action.

Once complete, the Section will disappear from your Sections list.

To delete an FAQ article, navigate to the FAQs tab, select the Section the FAQ is listed under, then click on the FAQ article to open the FAQ details on the right. From here, click the trash icon.

A pop-up will appear warning you that deleting the FAQ will result in all the deep links associated with this FAQ being broken. Click ‘Delete’ to finalize this action.

Once complete, the FAQ will disappear from your FAQ list.

If you only need to unpublish an FAQ and not delete it entirely, see How do I publish/unpublish my FAQ article?

To learn how to reorder your FAQs, see How do I reorder my FAQ articles & Sections?