AI and Automation
Custom issue field concepts: Overview
Custom issue fields (CIFs) are a way to gather and represent information. They help you to categorize, label, organize, filter, search for, ...
Custom issue field concepts: How agents use CIFs
Although customer service agents can interact with CIFs in a variety of ways, their intent is consistently to see, set, or act upon the deta...
Custom issue field procedures: Create a CIF
Step 1. Log in to Helpshift as its administrator.Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings.Step 3. I...
Custom issue field procedures: Use a CIF in a Smart View
Step 1. Log in to Helpshift as its administrator.Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Issues.Step 3. In ...
Custom issue field procedures: Use a CIF in an automation
Step 1. Log in to Helpshift as its administrator.Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings.Step 3. In the navigation p...
Custom issue field procedures: Use a CIF in a custom bot
Step 1. Log in to Helpshift as its administrator.Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings.Step 3. In the navigatio...
Custom issue field procedures: Auto-populate CIFs
USE A CUSTOM BOT TO AUTO-POPULATE A CUSTOM ISSUE FIELDYou can configure a custom bot's first step to "Get Information from User," and then s...
Bot concepts: Overview
At Helpshift, bots are foundational to user support conversations. Running autonomously, bots can interact directly with end-users in chat a...
Bot concepts: Types of bots
Each Helpshift purchase includes three prebuilt bots and a no-code tool fordeveloping "custom" bots of your own.PREBUILT — Identity Bot chec...
QuickSearch Bot procedures: Configure for one app
QuickSearch Bot supports both the in-app support experience and the web chat support experience. However, you must enable these experiences ...
QuickSearch Bot concepts: Overview
QuickSearch Bot is an automated article-recommendation service and chat bot — faster and more accurate than any human search. When an end-us...
User support workflow procedures: Configure the issue-resolution experience
Upon finishing their work for an open user issue, customer service agents and bots generally resolve the issue. But then, what should occur ...
Automation concepts: Overview
WHAT IS AUTOMATION, IN GENERAL?Automation occurs whenever a hardware system or a software system performs multiple, useful operations repeat...
Automation concepts: Automation types
There are two kinds of Helpshift automations. They run under different conditions, behave differently, and serve different goals. A&nbs...
Automation concepts: Conditions for automation
The conditions that cause an automation to run can include any combination of the following, and more. mobile device metadata (app name and ...
Automation concepts: Supported action types
The actions that an automation may take can include any combination of the following, and more. update default issue fields (DIFs), which He...
Automation concepts: Text filters in automations
Text filters in a Helpshift automation all rely upon the automatic comparison of two or more text strings. AppForwarding EmailTagsTitle...
Automation procedures: Create an automation
BEFORE YOU BEGINTo configure an automation that measures time in minutes, your Helpshift subscription must be at the “Growth” package level,...
Automation procedures: Reorder your automations
The Automations page lists all of your configured automation. By adjusting their top-to-bottom sorting order, you can control their first-to...
Automation procedures: Duplicate an automation
The Automations page lists all of your configured automations. When one of them is similar to one that you plan to create, you can save your...
Automation procedures: Delete an automation
Delete an automationThe Automations page lists all of your configured automations. Step 1. Log in to your Helpshift instance as its adm...
Automation reference: UI element definitions — Create Automation dialog box
UI element reference: Create Automation dialog boxSettings > WORKFLOWS | Automations > [+ NEW AUTOMATION]Title — The field where you e...
Feedback bot concepts: Understand feedback bots
WHAT ARE FEEDBACK BOTS? Great user support experiences do not simply end when an agent marks an issue as resolved. Instead, post-resolution ...
Feedback bot procedures: Create and configure a feedback bot
Step 1. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings ().Step 2. In the navigation pane, scroll to the WORKFLOWS area....
Feedback bot concepts: The effects of disabling a feedback bot
A disabled feedback bot can be reenabled easily, as needed. When a feedback bot is not included in any automation, disabling ...
Feedback bot procedures: Disable or reenable a feedback bot
Step 1. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings.Step 2. In the navigation pane, scroll to the WORKFLOWS area. Th...
Feedback bot procedures: Delete a bot step from a feedback bot
You can delete any bot step from an unpublished feedback bot. Deleting a bot step removes it permanently and breaks all...
Feedback bot procedures: Delete a feedback bot
Note: Please ensure that your bot is unpublished or disabled before deleting. To know more about how to disable the bot, please refer Disabl...
Bot concepts: Advanced analytics for custom and feedback bots
When multiple steps in one custom bot or one feedback bot are all configured to auto-populate a particular field, their effect is not cumula...
Smart Intents concepts: Overview
End-users contact you when they need help. Nonetheless, communication barriers may disrupt their best attempts to describe what's wrong, as ...
Smart Intents concepts: Understand intent groups
An intent group is the Smart Intents workspace where you create and organize one set of similar and/or closely related intents. Fr...
Smart Intents procedures: Create an intent group
Step 1. Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator. Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Sens...
Smart Intents procedures: Delete an intent group
NOTEYou cannot delete an intent group while any published intent menus depend on it.Deleting an intent group will affect any new-issue autom...
Smart Intents concepts: Understand intents
BACKGROUNDYou must create your first intent group before you can create any intents. For ease of management, similar and/or closel...
Smart Intents procedures: Create an intent
BEFORE YOU BEGINYou must create an intent group before you can populate it with intents.See Create an intent group. Step 1. &...
Smart Intents procedures: Move an intent from one intent group to another
You can move intents between intent groups. When you do:The moved intent is cleared from all intent menus.You can restore the moved intent m...
Smart Intents procedures: Delete an intent
BEFORE YOU BEGIN Identify which published intent menus currently use the intent that you plan to delete.Edit these intent menus, so that the...
Smart Intents concepts: Understand training samples and supported languages
A training sample is one uniquely phrased but always plausible way that your end-users could phrase their request for help with a&...
Smart Intents procedures: Create a training sample
BEFORE YOU BEGINYou must create an intent before you can populate it with training samples.You can create training samples manually, one at ...
Smart Intents procedures: Delete a training sample
Step 1. Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator. Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Sens...
Smart Intents concepts: Understand how training samples use CSV
The Smart Intents UI helps brands of any size to manually create and manage one training sample at a time. However, some brands — part...
Smart Intents procedures: Export training samples to CSV for editing
Step 1. Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator.Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click SensAI&nbs...
Smart Intents procedures: Import training samples from CSV
BEFORE YOU BEGIN You cannot import new or edited training samples from CSV unless the files use name and column headings correctly. See Expo...
Smart Intents concepts: Understand intent menus
An intent menu is an end-user experience that runs during any chat session where you have configured it to run. You prepare a hierarchy (cal...
Smart Intents procedures: Create, build, and publish an intent menu
Step 1. Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator. Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Sens...
Smart Intents procedures: Duplicate an intent menu
When a new intent menu should be similar to, but not identical to, an intent menu that is already published, you can make and work from a co...
Smart Intents procedures: Delete an intent menu
When you delete an intent menu, you clear it from each app that is configured to use it. Without their intent menu, these apps ca...
Smart Intents concepts: Understand how apps use intent menus
You can configure any app to show any intent menu during chat sessions with its end-users who request product support. An intent ...
Smart Intents procedures: Associate an intent menu with an app
BEFORE YOU BEGIN You cannot use an intent menu until it is:populated with intentspublished See these articles:Create an intent C...
Bot concepts: Understand custom bots and feedback bots
THE BASICS A bot is an autonomous program that interacts with people and/or systems. Helpshift bots can do many of the same things that cust...
Bot concepts: Understand bot steps
A bot step is any one action that you can configure a custom bot or a feedback bot to perform. Most custom bots and most...
Bot concepts: Understand logical branching to new and reused ('linked') bot steps
The concept of branching is similar to what you might see in any standard process flow diagram — questions are chained together with data th...
Bot concepts: Hypothetical discussion of branching to new and reused ('linked') bot steps
This article describes how multiple actions in a custom bot can work together to meet a single goal. It covers:collecting information from e...
Bot concepts: Understand editing bots
You cannot modify a custom bot or a feedback bot after it is published. You can only disable or delete it. To accomplish the same resul...
Bot concepts: Prerequisites to have and use custom bots
Your Helpshift subscription package must include custom bots before you can use them. As of calendar year 2021: ...
Bot concepts: Understand how we keep custom bots from looping
We prevent end-users from being caught in an infinite loop interaction with any custom bot. Even when its own logic hasn't caused...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Get Information from User'
You can configure a custom bot or a feedback bot to collect the end-user response to any question that you ask. Your phrasing of this questi...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Send a Message'
You can configure a custom bot or a feedback bot to show a message — which you specify — to your end-user.Common use cas...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'End Conversation Flow'
NOTE The End Conversation Flow step type is available for use in custom bots exclusively. There is no logical...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Branch Based on Filters'
When you configure a custom bot or a feedback bot, you can: choose among your custom choose among your Intent, Language, Tag, or ...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Make an API Request'
You can configure a custom bot or a feedback bot to trigger an external API request (GET, POST, or PUT) of your choosing. NOTE&nb...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Confirm Issue Resolution'
NOTE The Confirm issue resolution step type is available for use in feedback bots exclusively. There is no logic...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Get Feedback from User'
You can configure a custom bot or a feedback bot that prompts your end-users to rate your customer service on a scale of 1-5 stars, where 5 ...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Close Conversation'
NOTE The Close conversation step type is available for use in feedback bots exclusively. There is no logical use...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Reopen Issue'
NOTE The Reopen Issue step type is available for use in feedback bots exclusively. There is no logical use case ...
Bot procedures: Create and configure a custom bot (or feedback bot)
Step 1. Log in to your Helpshift instance as its administrator.Step 2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings&n...
Setting up attachments step in custom bots
Attachments can be asked as a part of the “Get information from user” step in custom bots as can be seen in the below screenshot. Note...
Use of Smart Intent with Quick Search Bot
BEFORE YOU BEGIN You cannot use an intent menu until it is:populated with intentspublishedRefer below given articles:Create an intentCreate,...
Estimated Wait Time procedures: Configure wait time in a bot message
You can have bots communicate a queue estimated wait time so that the user has appropriate expectations for when an agent will respond when ...
Estimated Wait Time procedures: Configure estimated wait time
Administrators can set wait time placeholder for bots which will estimate the wait time required for an agent to respond once the issue is a...
Text Templates procedures: How to use placeholder within text templates
To use placeholder within text template, follow the steps given below:Click Settings on the Helpshift toolbar, and then click Text Templates...
Bot procedures: Form step in a bot
Note: Multiple inputs in a bot step (Form style) will work on SDK X and web chat. For lower SDK versions, you can create fallback steps or e...
Bot procedures: Setting up form step in a bot
Multiple inputs in a bot step (Form style) will work on SDK X and web chat. To support users on lower SDK versions, the admin can create opt...
Smart Intents: Pre-configured Smart Intents
What’s New?From July 2022 onwards, all the new domains will get access to the Smart Intents feature. With Smart Intents, you can provide a t...
Automations: What are New Issue Automations, and how do I set them up?
New Issue Automations allow you to complete a number of different actions immediately upon Issue creation based on set conditions for t...
Automations: What are Time-Based Automations, and how do I set them up?
Time-Based Automations allow you to run Automations on any open Issue. This enables your team to effectively maintain SLAs, escalate pr...
Queues: What are Queues, and how do I use them?
A Queue is a grouping of Issues sorted by end user wait time with a built-in backlog line. Queues can be used in your workflo...
Automations: What are Automations, and how should I use them?
Automations allow you to define conditions to trigger an automatic action on a new or open Issue, such as reassignment, resolution, an ...
Automations: How do I add Predict Labels into Automations?
You can use Predict Labels with Automations to assign Issues to Queues and Agent Groups, filter Issues for Smart Views, send automatic repli...
Auto Assignment: What is Agent Availability, and how can it optimize my team’s workflow?
Agent Availability allows you to route and assigns Issues to Agents based on when they are available. It is designed to help you mediat...
QuickSearch Bot: What is QuickSearch Bot, and how do I set it up?
QuickSearch Bot is an add-on feature that can be unlocked with an account upgrade. Please reach out to to learn more.Q...
Bot procedures: What is the Identity Bot, and how does it work?
The Identity Bot is a configurable Bot for Web Chat and in-app messaging experiences that will automatically request an end user’s name and ...
Bot procedures: What are Custom Bots, and how do I set them up?
Custom Bots are an add-on feature that can be unlocked with an account upgrade. Please reach out to to learn more.Cust...
Auto-Assignment/Agent Availability: How can I make sure Issues aren’t assigned to an Agent who is sick, taking a break, or otherwise unavailable?
There are two ways you can track when Agents become unavailable to ensure Issues are not assigned to them during that time:Option 1: Al...
Automation: How do I set up Autoresponses?
Autoresponses can be used to reassure your users that you’ve received their Issue, or provide relevant information based on Issue crite...
Automation: How do I set up Reminder Automations?
Reminder Automations can be set to run on specific types of Issues where you’d like to check in with the user. Sometimes it can take a ...
Automation: How do I set up Auto Resolve Automations?
Auto Resolve Automations allow you to automatically resolve Issues when you have not heard back from the user after a certain number of...
Automation: How do I use Auto Resolve and Autoreply together?
If you have a New Issue Automation set up to Autoreply to Issues, there are two possible outcomes for the Issue based on how those Automatio...
Auto-Assignment/Agent Availability: How do I limit the number of Issues Agents are assigned?
If you use Automations for Workflow Management to assign Issues to Agents during their working hours, you may want to consider set...
Queue: Where do I manage Queues?
You can manage existing Queues and create new Queues by navigating to Settings, then selecting ‘Queues’ under the ‘Workflows’ category.On th...
Queue: How do I create a new Queue?
To create a new Queue, proceed as follows:1. Navigate to the Settings, then under ‘Workflows’, select ‘Queues’ 2. On the page that appears, ...
Queue: How do I delete a Queue?
The functionality for deleting a Queue is to archive it. Archiving a Queue effectively removes it from the Dashboard and the list ...
SensAI Predict: What is SensAI Predict, and how does it work?
SensAI Predict gives you the foundation for an AI-powered workflow. This AI engine leverages machine learning to accurately predict the cate...
SensAI Predict: What is the Confidence Threshold, and what value should I set for it?
To define the Confidence Threshold, we must first define what Confidence is in Predict.Confidence is a numerical value that is assigned...
SensAI Predict: How are Accuracy and Precision calculated in Predict?
Accuracy is calculated as the percentage of times that an Agent did not mark the predicted Label as wrong.Accuracy reflects the Model’s...
SensAI Predict: How do I prepare my data for the Predict Model?
SensAI Predict assigns Labels to Issues based on the data that you’ve provided to the Model in the form of a dataset. The performance of the...
SensAI Predict: How do I give my Agents permission to provide feedback on the accuracy of Predict Labels from within Issues?
1. Navigate to Settings > Organization > Permissions.2. This page lists all of the permissions you can enable...
SensAI Predict: Glossary
The following glossary includes all metrics as they are defined in SensAI Predict. To learn more about Predict, see What is SensAI Pred...
Bot procedures: How to setup External APIs with Custom Bots?
Following are the steps to setup External APIs in Custom Bots :Select the option ‘External API Requests’ in the Settings page and click...
Bot procedures: How do I edit Custom Bots?
Helpshift allows Administrators to edit messages and end actions for published and disabled custom bots.To edit custom bots,Navigate to ...
How do I show Agent or Bot avatars in the Helpshift Messaging Experience?
End-users expect to know “who’s on the other side of a service interaction?”. Agent Avatar adds a personal touch to the experience and reass...
SensAI Predict: How do I add a new Label to an existing Model?
To add new Labels, you will need to prepare a CSV file with user messages that correspond to the Label. Make sure there are at least 500 use...
How do I assign Issues to a specific Agent, Queue, or Bot?
You can assign Issues to specific Agents, Queues, or Bots automatically as part of your workflow using Automations, or manually by completin...
QuickSearch Bot: How do I edit QuickSearch Bot?
Helpshift allows Administrators to edit the text that QuickSearch Bot uses in its bot flow using Text Templates.To edit a QuickSearch B...
SensAI Predict: How do I create multiple Models for a Language?
You may want to set up different workflows for similar Issues from different channels. For example, you may want to set up a custom workflow...
SensAI Predict: How do I create and configure Models with Predict?
Predict allows you to automatically triage incoming Issues and assign relevant Labels to them. You can use the assigned Label to setup corre...
Bot procedures: How do I update a live Custom Bot with active conversations?
If you are not updating any Custom Issue Fields used to branch your Bot, you can duplicate the active Bot that needs to be updated, make the...
Bot concepts: Understand the step type 'Update Issues'
You can configure a custom or feedback bot to update issue fields (Tags and Custom Issue Fields) and add private notes anywhere in the bot w...
Language AI - Translation of Agent-User conversations
Language AI allows consumers to engage in their native tongue, even if agents don’t speak the language. Monolingual agents can now provide m...
Language AI: Supported Languages
List of supported languages for Generic engines of Language AI:S.NoLanguage 1Arabic 2Bulgarian 3Catalan 4Chinese (Simplified) 5Chinese (Trad...
AI-powered Answers to User Queries
Step into the future of customer support with our latest feature—Introducing AI-powered Answers, the new bot step. Our custom bot, now armed...
Language AI: FAQ Translations
Transform your global customer interactions with the new Language AI for FAQ Translations. Now, with just a simple click within the FAQ edit...
Language AI: Enable Language AI for FAQ Translations
FAQs without Language AI for FAQ TranslationsFAQ translations can be managed manually when Language AI is not enabled.FAQ editor when Langua...
Language AI: Translate FAQ Section Titles and FAQs with Language AI
This section helps admins navigate the different functionalities of the Language AI for FAQ Translations feature.Translation of FAQ Section ...
Language AI: Manually Update Machine Translated FAQs
Admins can manually update the content in the Machine translations section of FAQs for specific language modifications post-Machine translat...
Language AI: Manage languages between Machine Translations and Manual Translations
Admins can switch between languages for Machine translations and Manual translations.Follow the steps given below to manage languages f...
Language AI: Translations for Newly Added Languages in the App
Admins can expand the existing FAQs into newly added App-supported languages.Translating FAQs for newly added languagesWhen a new language i...
Language AI: Troubleshoot FAQ Translation Failures
Case 1: The translation process fails for FAQ translation.Scenario 1: Bulk translation failureWhen you SAVE AND TRANSLATE FAQs for bulk tran...
Language AI: Supported languages for FAQ and Text Template Translations
Language AI works with two types of translation engines:Generic EnginesCustom-Trained Engines By default, Language AI uses pre-trained gener...
Language AI: Text Template Translations
Language AI for Text Template Translations allows for quick and efficient translation of text templates into any language with just one clic...
Language AI: Enabling Language AI for Text Template
Follow the steps given below to request/enable the Language AI for Text Template translations: Log in to your Helpshift domain as an adminis...
Language AI: Translating Text Templates with Language AI
The Language AI for Text Template streamlines the process of translating text templates into multiple languages. This article will guide you...
Language AI: Editing and Updating Text Templates
When the Language AI for Text Template is enabled, you can edit the English content of your text template. After making the necessary change...
Language AI: Using Language AI for Existing Text Templates
You can enable Language AI for your existing text templates to update or add more languages efficiently.Enabling Language AI for existing Te...
Language AI: Adding Manual Translations to Text Templates
You can add manual translations to the text template when Language AI for Text Template is enabled/disabled. Once the default content i...
Language AI: Changing Default Language for Text Templates
You can only set English as the default language when Language AI is enabled. However, you can change the default language of your text temp...
Language AI: Troubleshooting Text Template Translation Failures
Below are the common scenarios and steps to troubleshoot translation failures when working with Language AI for text template translations.S...
Format Validation Rules: Configuring Format Validation Rules
IntroductionThe Format Validation in Custom Bots feature enables admins to set up real-time validations, ensuring that user input adheres to...
Agent Copilot: Empowering Support Agents with AI
In the fast-paced world of customer support, efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction are paramount. To meet these demands, Agent Cop...
Agent Copilot: Sentiment Analysis
In the dynamic landscape of customer support, the ability to discern the underlying sentiment within customer messages is paramount. Sentime...
Agent Copilot: Issue Summary
Agents often handle multiple tickets simultaneously, requiring frequent context switching. This requires them to read through entire convers...
Agent Copilot: Suggest Response
Suggest Response uses Generative AI to provide support agents with instant, contextually relevant responses, transforming how they handle qu...
Agent Copilot: Smart Compose
The Smart Compose feature assists agents in crafting high-quality responses faster by rephrasing (in a friendly and professional tone), expa...