Archived Issues are Issues that are 1+ years old and currently in the resolved or rejected state, were automatically archived. Though Issues in Helpshift are automatically archived after 1 year, you can still access an archived Issue in several ways:

Direct URL: All Issues can be accessed via the URL assigned to them in the full Issue view. That URL is structured as[Issue#]

User Reference: If the user has an archived Issue under the ‘More Issues’ tab, you can click the text ‘Check for archived Issues’ to reveal those Issues.

Data Portability API: data for archived Issues can still be exported via the Data Portability API. To learn more about how to use this API to export Issue data, review How do I provide end users with a copy of their personal data per their request? along with our REST API developer documentation.

Helpshift Analytics & Power BI: If you are using Helpshift Analytics or our Power BI reporting tools, the data in these tools is not impacted when Issues are archived. Helpshift Analytics supports reporting for up to 1 year, and Power BI supports reporting for up to 180 days.

Please note that archived Issue data will not appear in the following places:

Issues feed & Smart Views: Archived Issues will not appear in your Smart Views or Issues feed to keep this space open for active Issues.

Advanced Search: Archived Issues will not appear in Advanced Search results. The search tool is designed for the management of active Issues.

Helpshift API: Archived issues cannot be accessed via the Helpshift API. As a best practice, if you are using our API with an integration to capture information from older Issues (such as for custom reporting), it should be configured to automatically store a copy of the information captured.

Note: Archival of Issue data does not lead to the redaction of end user PII. For the processing of PII redaction requests, please review this document.