NOTE: The date filter in reports is based on the action time of the action related to the metric. 
For example:

  • If you select "Last 7 Days" in the filter, the "Issue Resolves" graph/report displays the count of ticket resolutions based on their resolved time within the last 7 days.
  • If you select "Last 7 Days" in the filter, the "Issues Created" graph/report displays the count of tickets created based on their creation time within the last 7 days.
  • If you select "Last 7 Days" in the filter, the "FAQ Views" graph/report displays the count of FAQ views based on the time when the FAQ view action occurred within the last 7 days.

Only metrics in Foundational Analytics are aggregated based on the "Issue Created At" timestamp (the actual time the issue was created).

Issues Metrics

MetricWhat does it measure?How do we calculate it?What has changed vs Old Dashboard?
Issues CreatedNumber of new Issues createdCount of (Issue Created timestamp within selected range)No Change
Issue Resolves
Count of issue state as "Resolved" within a given timeframe - whether by Agents or BotsCount of issue state as "Resolved" within a given timeframe - whether by Agents or BotsTo enable better tracking, the count of ‘Resolves' will not include the count of 'Rejects’
Issue Rejects
The total number of Issues that go from an open state to a rejected state for a given time range (for issues created in a given time range)Total issues open state to rejected stateNo Change

The total number of issues open at the end of the given time range.

Please note that the historical backlog will be present only for 45 days before the new analytics dashboard release date. The backlog data will be present for the last 45 days post-migration to the new dashboard.

The total number of issues open at the end of the given time range.


Note: In Overview & Issue Trend reports, we show overall backlog, irrespective of assigned or unassigned to agent.

No Change
Outbound Interactions
Number of messages sent by Agents or BotsCount (Agent or Bot responses to the end-user)No Change
Inbound Interactions
Number of messages sent by end-users - post the pre-issue stageCount (messages sent by end-users)No Change
Average CSAT
Avg. CSAT for all issues that received the CSAT ratingSum (CSAT Ratings) / Count (CSAT Ratings)No Change
Average Time to Resolve
The average time from an issue being created to the time it was resolved. If an issue was reopened and then resolved, then the latest resolve timestamp is usedAvg (Issue resolution time (latest) - Issue creation time)No Change
Average time taken for the First Agent or Bot responseAvg Issue First Response Timestamp (by Bot or Agent) – Issue First Created Timestamp)No Change
Issue Reopens
Total issue reopen events for issues created in given time range - irrespective of their current status(closed, assigned etc.)Count of Reopen event for total number of issues that are created within last x days (x can be max 180 days)‘User reopens’ renamed to ‘Issue Reopens’
Issue Reopen Rate
Total number of Issues reopened divided by total number of Issues resolved, multiplied by 100.Total number of issues (created within last x days) that have been reopened at least once / Total number of issues (created within last x days) at least resolved once‘User Reopen rate’ renamed to 'Issue Reopen Rate'
Resolved Without Response
The number of issues resolved without an outgoing message. Replies via automation and auto responder are not considered in this case. The purpose of this metric is to check how many issues were resolved by an agent without any communication with the end user - no 'rejected' state to be considered# of issues resolved by the agent without any replyNo Change
Holding Time - First Response
The average time between an Issue getting assigned to an Agent and when the Agent replies for the first time.
(Subset of TTFHR)
Avg (First Response Timestamp – Issue First Assign Timestamp)No Change
Resolution Acceptance Ratio
Applies to Resolved Issues where a customer answers (Yes/No) state. The number of Yes responses divided by the sum of Yes and No responses, multiplied by 100The total number of responses (Yes Only)/ total responses (Yes + No), * 100.‘Acceptance rate’ renamed to 'Resolution Acceptance Ratio.'
FCR Rate
Percentage of Issues that were Resolved with First Contact - either via bot or agentIssues with FCR / Issues Resolved * 100No Change


Note: The following derivable and duplicate metrics are now not available in the new dashboard:

  • Percent Issue Resolves

  • Median Time to Resolve

  • Response Rate

  • Issue Views

  • Agent Touches

Agent Metrics


MetricWhat does it measure?How do we calculate it?What has changed vs. Old Dashboard?
TTFHR (Time to First Human Response)The time taken for the first human response after the initial Bot and Automation workflow is complete. This includes all continuous automated actions (like NIA and Bots) until the issue is assigned to a queue or agent.First human agent response timestamp - completion of initial actions completed by NIA & bots. 
Issue ResolvesThe total number of times that an agent marks issues as resolved.Number of issues resolved by the agent for a time period.
Does not include Rejects.
To enable better tracking, the count of ‘Resolves' will not include the count of 'Rejects’
Issue Reopens
The total number of times that issues assigned to a given agent go from a resolved/rejected state to an open state when the user does not accept a solution. Does not include reopens by the agent.Number of reopen actions for issues assigned to the agent in a time period‘User reopens’ renamed to ‘Issue Reopens’ for better clarity.
Issue Rejects
Count of the total number of reject actions (i.e., open state to rejected state) performed on issues assigned to a given agent.Count of the total number of reject actions performs performed by an agentNo Change
Average CSAT
Avg. CSAT for all issues that received the CSAT rating

In the "Summary by Agents" section under ADVANCED ANALYTICS, the average CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) is calculated using a weighted average, with the CSAT count serving as the weights.

Example to calculate CSAT:

Suppose you have the following CSAT scores over three days:

  • Day 1: CSAT average = 4, Number of responses (CSAT count) = 3

  • Day 2: CSAT average = 3, Number of responses (CSAT count) = 2

  • Day 3: CSAT average = 2, Number of responses (CSAT count) = 2

To calculate the weighted average CSAT, follow the steps below:

Multiply each day's CSAT average by its corresponding count:

  • Day 1: 4×3=12

  • Day 2: 3×2=6

  • Day 3: 2×2=4

Add these values together:


Sum up the total number of responses:


Divide the total weighted score by the total number of responses:

22/7 = 3.14

So, the weighted average CSAT is 3.14.

No Change
Agent Score
Score on a scale of 0 to 10 based on a number of solutions accepted and rejected by customers.Computed using Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli. The higher the agent score, the better it is.No Change
Resolution Acceptance Ratio
Applies to Resolved issues where a customer is prompted to answer 'Did we answer all your questions?'—the number of total responses divided by the total Resolved issues, multiplied by 100.(Accepts * 100) / (Accepts + Rejects)'Acceptance rate' is renamed as ‘Resolution Acceptance Ratio’ for better clarity.
Rating Split
Percentage of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1-star customer satisfaction ratings out of total ratings shown as a Likert chart.Histogram of CSAT rating received on issues which are assigned to the agent for a time periodNo Change
Average Time to First Response
The average time taken for the first agent responseAvg (Issue First Response Timestamp – Issue First Created Timestamp)No Change
Average Time to Resolve
The average time from an issue being created to the time it was resolved. If an issue was reopened and resolved again, then the latest resolve timestamp is used.Avg (Issue Resolve Timestamp – Issue Created Timestamp)No Change
Holding Time
The average time between an Issue getting assigned to an Agent and when the Agents and Bots replies.(The sum of issue Holding Times divided by the number of issues with a first response. Excludes first responses from New Issue Automations.)No Change
Issue Reopen Rate
The total number of Issues reopened by the user is divided by the total number of Issues resolved, multiplied by 100.The total number of Issues reopened by the user divided by the total number of Issues resolved, multiplied by 100.‘User Reopen’ rate renamed to ‘Issue Reopen Rate’ for better clarity
FCR - First Contact Resolution
The percentage of cases assigned to a given agent resolved with a single outbound interaction.The percentage of cases assigned to a given agent resolved with a single outbound interaction.No Change
No. of Outbound Interactions
The total number of outgoing messages from a given agent.Count (Agent responses to the end-user)No Change
Replies Per Resolve
The total number of replies that a given Agent has sent divided by the number of cases he/she has resolved.The total number of replies that a given Agent has sent is divided by the number of cases he/she has resolved.No Change
Resolved Without ResponseThe number of issues assigned to a given agent is resolved without an outgoing message. Replies via automation and auto responder are not considered in this case.The number of issues assigned to a given agent resolved without an outgoing messageNo Change 
Response RateApplies to Resolved issues where a customer is prompted to answer 'Did we answer all your questions?'—the number of total responses divided by the total Resolved issues, multiplied by 100.The number of total responses divided by the total Resolved issues, multiplied by 100.No Change


MetricWhat does it measure?How do we calculate it?What has changed vs. Old Dashboard?

The total number of issues open at the end of the given time range.

Please note that the historical backlog will be present only for 45 days before the new analytics dashboard release date. The backlog data will be present for the last 45 days post-migration to the new dashboard.

This is Backlog or Open issues assigned on agent metric

At the end of the time period, how many issues are in the open state for the agent.

Note: Team Trends (Workload) shows backlog assigned to agents only.

No Change
Issues Worked On

The total number of unique issues on which an agent has performed any of the following activities:

  • Outbound Messages

  • Issue Resolves

  • Issue Rejects

  • Add private notes

  • Add tags 

  • Add CIFs

Issues worked on counts only the first activity made to an issue per agent, on the date the action was completed.

The total number of unique issues on which we see any of the following activity by the agent.

  • Outbound Messages

  • Issue Resolves

  • Issue Rejects

  • Add private notes

  • Add tags 

  • Add CIFs

Note that we do not consider the bot's reply or if the bot added a private note.
We store this metric per half hour, so the issue would be unique per half-hour.

Added four new activities performed by an agent besides ‘outbound messages’ and 'private notes. This will enable better tracking of agent workload.
Issue AssignsThe total number of open issues assigned to a given Agent.Number of issue assignments on the agent for a time period No Change

Workforce Management Metrics

MetricWhat does it measure?How do we calculate it?
Dashboard interaction timeTime spent by the agent on dashboard and the web browser tab is in focusTracking of agents' time on dashboard
Issues page interaction timeTime spent by the agent on the issues tab in the dashboard and the web browser tab is in focusTracking of agents' time on the issues tab in the dashboard
Issues interaction timeTime spent by the agent with an issue opened in the issue tab in the dashboard, and the web browser tab is in focusTracking of agents' time with an issue opened in the issue tab in the dashboard
Unallocated Available TimeTracks time when agents status is ‘Available’, and they have replied to all the issues assignedTracking of agents' time with no issue to be replied to and agent status is ‘Available’
Unallocated Unavailable TimeTracks time when agents status is not ‘Available’ and they have replied to all the issues assignedTracking of agents' time with no issue to be replied to and agent status is not ‘Available’
Untracked timeTime spent by the agent when the dashboard’s web browser tab is not in focus within online timeOnline time - Dashboard interaction time

Workforce management metrics are available through the Analytics dashboard in the following reports:

  1. Analytics > Advanced Analytics > Team > Trends (Workload): Provides aggregate of workforce management metrics for all agents on a daily basis for selected date ranges. Agent filter can be used to see daily trend for an agent.

  2. Analytics > Advanced Analytics > Team > Summary by Agents: Provides aggregate of workforce management metrics for individual agents for selected date range.

  3. Analytics > Advanced Analytics > Team > Summary by Groups: Provides aggregate of workforce management metrics at group level for all agents in a group for selected date range.

Note: The only filters available for the above workload and workforce management metrics are Date and Agent.

FAQ Metrics

MetricWhat does it measure?How do we calculate it?What has changed vs. Old Dashboard?
FAQ InsertsThe total number of times an FAQ is inserted into the reply box of the agent dashboard.Count of FAQ insert events (FAQ insert event: When FAQ is inserted to chat)No Change
FAQ Views
Number of times FAQ ViewsCount (FAQ Views)No Change
FAQ Likes
The total number of times an FAQ was liked on the app.Count of FAQ like events (When end user likes an FAQ)No Change
FAQ Dislikes
The total number of times an FAQ was disliked on the app.Count of FAQ dislike events (When end user dislikes an FAQ)No Change

Usage Metrics

MetricWhat does it measure?How do we calculate it?What has changed vs. Old Dashboard?
Active Users

Number of unique active users by device for a time range.

MAU = Monthly Active Users. MAU is a unique count of monthly active users by device.

DAU = Daily Active Users. DAU is a unique count of daily active users by device.

Calculated as approximate unique count of active users by device. Leverages probabilistic algorithm called HyperLogLog.

Note: Active users metric numbers are aggregated for a fixed timezone i.e. UTC.

There is no change in the definition of Active users. However, we have removed support for custom range for showing active users and replaced with fixed relative time ranges.
Opened Help
Number of times Help section is opened on device by users.We count number of times help section is opened on device. Do not capture help center opens on web.No Change
Contact RateRate of filing ticket vs number of time user opens an app.Number of issues created / Active users
Note: Contact rate metric numbers are aggregated for a fixed timezone i.e. UTC.
There is no change in the definition of Contact rate. However, we have removed support for custom range for showing contact rate and replaced with fixed relative time ranges 

QS Bot Analytics

What does it measure?How do we calculate it?What has changed vs. Old Dashboard?
QS Bot Invocations
Number of times, the QS Bot was invoked, when the User asked a query in the chat screen.Count of no. of times, the QS Bot was invokedNo change
FAQ SuggestedNumber of times an FAQ was suggested by QuickSearch Bot.Count of no. of FAQs suggestedNo change
Suggested FAQs ReadNumber of times a user read at least one FAQ suggested by QuickSearch Bot.Count of no. of FAQs readNo change
QS Bot ResolutionsQueries which were resolved by QS Bot successfully. After getting the relevant FAQ, suggested by QS Bot, when the user selects ‘It helped me(positive response)', this data is captured. [Currently, this is named as 'Deflection' in Power BI].Count of ‘It helped me’ responsesNo change
Issues CreatedTracks the total no. of new issues being created by the User. When QS Bot is not able to resolve the query, the user can proceed to create an issue, which is captured in this metric.Count of no. of issues createdNo change
QS Bot Resolutions & Issues CreatedThis is a combined [sum] metric of 'QS Bot Resolutions' & 'Issues Created'.Sum of 'QS Bot Resolutions' & 'Issues Created'No change

Intent Analytics

Apart from Issue Metrics, two new metrics for the Intent analytics report have been introduced. Please refer to the table below for more details:

MetricWhat does it measure?How do we calculate it?
Intent Issue RateThis metric shows the percentage of Intent Issues out of the total issues created.Smart Intent and Automatic Intent Assignment Issues / Issues Created * 100
Automatic Intent Assignment (AIA)This metric shows the number of issues where the AI assigned the intent. Count of issues created with Intent Assigned Automatically within the selected range.

Note: We are actively working towards unifying Helpshift analytics across all the existing channels like PowerBI, Analytic API, and analytics dashboard.