The purpose of this guide is to walk existing Helpshift + Power BI users through best practices for reviewing for the data available on each report in the Power BI dashboard. If you are a Helpshift user who is interested in using Power BI, please review How can I get more out of Helpshift Analytics with Power BI? First.

We strongly recommend reviewing this article by Microsoft on Power BI basic concepts first, which provides a visual dashboard overview and defines some key terms throughout this guide. Once you’ve read that, use the table of contents below to jump directly to the report you’d like to learn more about.

If you are looking to update an existing report to get new metrics provided in one of our updates please see How do I update my content pack?

There are three main apps in Power BI, each of which contains a different set of reports. Those apps and reports are listed below. Click the name of a report to jump straight to the description and use cases.

Support Analytics

Agent Analytics

FAQ Analytics

Bots Analytics

For more detailed steps and best practices, please see our Knowledge Base.

Support Analytics

Active Users

This report lets you see how many users visit your app compared to how many contact you, broken down by app, platform, and other filters you can select.

You can use this report to:

  • Consolidate your app data and support data into one report
  • See how changes in your number of active users affects your Contact Rate
  • Spot trends by filtering user data by app and platform

Open Issues

This report provides an overview of all new Issues coming into your Dashboard. It allows you to review and compare the following types of information:

  • Which Issues have been outside of your SLA the longest and which Agents those Issues are assigned to
  • Reviewing a large backlog of Issues to see which have been open for the longest

Incoming Volume

This report provides a granular look at changes in volume in new Issues down to the hour. It is most useful for the following types of cases:

  • Identifying what time of day you receive the most Issues, which can help you decide if you need to hire more Agents or reassign shifts
  • Reviewing the most common types of Issues by looking at tags to see if Agents should be shifted to different Groups to tackle those types of Issues
  • How many Quick Replies were inserted – you can use the metrics in this report to build a custom report to review these metrics

Time to First Response

This report allows you to see whether or not you’re meeting your SLA goals for first response time – you can click into the exact Issues that may have been missed. You can use it to identify the following:

  • How your first response time changes throughout the day or week, where you may need additional support
  • Improvements or drops in Agent performance to enable you to follow up with Agents as needed
  • If different Agent Groups are meeting their specific SLA goals for first response time – you can review Issues that were not replied to within SLA with the group to set expectations
  • Average time to first response for weekend Agents by filtering for Issues only created on weekends

Time to Resolve

This report helps you identify trends affecting the average time it takes to resolve an Issue. This information is useful for the following:

  • Reviewing how many Issues an Agent or Group were closed or resolved within their SLA, and the overall average time to resolve for each Issue
  • Seeing what Issue types take longer than others to know where Agents may need more training or support
  • Generating a weekly CSV for each team’s average time to resolve to provide your team with data-driven performance feedback

Average Time To Each Response

This report provides metrics regarding the time it took the Agent to follow up on end user messages. You can use it to track the following:

  • The average time that specific Agents took to respond to Issues waiting for their response
  • The average time to each response for Issues with specific tags

Tag Distribution

This report gives a high level understanding of where most of your tags are coming from. You can use this information as follows:

  • Quickly spotting spikes in tag usage to reallocate resources in your team to address
  • Seeing what percentage of Issues are from specific types of users – VIP, paid, non-paid, first time users, etc.
  • Reviewing what percentage of tags are related to specific issues, such as billing or escalations

Handling Time

This report measures the window of time when the Issue is assigned to an Agent to when the Issue is resolved. This report along with the Holding Time report are great for looking at Agent performance. You can review the following types information with this report:

  • What types of Issues are receiving a longer handling time – look at the average handling time by tag to determine if you need to provide more resources for resolving those types of Issues
  • Longest handling time overall – in addition to SLAs, you may wish to set a handling time goal for your team to improve the customer experience

Holding Time

This report measures the time period between when an Issue was first assigned to an Agent and when that Agent sent the first response. This information is helpful for assessing the following:

  • How long Agents are taking to initially reply to an Issue
  • What types of Issues typically have a longer holding time – sort Issues by tag to see if Agents need special training to respond to those types of Issues more quickly
  • Correlation between CSAT ratings and holding time – do Issues with a longer holding time receive lower CSAT scores? Is there a minimum holding time where CSAT scores begin to drop?


The CSAT report allows you to see what your average CSAT score is for individual Agents and for your whole team. You can use this information as follows:

  • Reviewing all Issues with a feedback rating below 3 to have a Supervisor potentially follow up
  • Checking which Agents have high CSAT ratings to provide them with positive feedback accordingly
  • Reviewing how many end users are providing Agents with ratings to see if there is opportunity to incentivize end users to provide feedback

First Contact Resolution

This report is specific to Issues which were resolved with only one Agent response. Some important information to look for here includes the following:

  • Identify types of Issues which are less frequently resolved in one reply by looking at tags to see if there’s opportunity to resolve those Issues more quickly and efficiently
  • Review the CSAT scores of Issues resolved with one response to identify top performing Agents

Resolve and Reopen Rates

This report tracks and compares two data points: the amount of Issues resolved and the amount reopened. Comparing this data allows you to gain the following insights:

  • Drill down to the tag level of reopened Issues to identify what causes them; update your Automations or revise your support messages accordingly
  • Track times when the resolved Issues metric drops to identify need for additional support resources

Chat Flow Analytics

This report provides a wealth of information for evaluating the effectiveness of your Web Chat and in-app live chat experience support offerings. You can use the information provided in this report to understand:

  • How many new conversations were started on a given day, and how many of these conversations led to Issues
  • How many Issues were assigned quickly (within 30 seconds)
  • How many Issues were replied to by Agents, and how many were not
  • The average amount of time it takes your Agents to respond to a Web Chat or live chat conversation
  • How often QuickSearch bots and Get Information bots are invoked per day, and how successful they are – e.g. how often the user accepts the FAQ or provides relevant info
  • The number of Issues where the user abandoned the conversation, e.g. they closed the window without reading the latest reply from your support team (Web Chat only)

Intent-wise Issue Distribution

The Intent-wise Issue Distribution report allows you to view the Issue classification via Smart Intents. You can use this information to:

  • Review the number of Issues created based on the Smart Intent Level 1 and Level 2
  • Review the Issue categories based on the Historical Issue data
  • View the percentage and number of Issues created with and without the Smart Intents

Intent-wise CSAT Scores

The Intent-wise CSAT Scores report allows you to see the average CSAT score for Issues and responses with  Smart Intents. You can use this information to:

  • Review the average CSAT rating for Issues using the Smart Intents Level 1 and 2
  • Check the average amount of time it takes to give the first response and to resolve the issue
  • Track the average handling and holding time for  Issues using different Smart Intent levels

Issue Automation Metrics

This report shows you the distribution of Issues by the degree of Automation. Issues can be assigned to one of the following categories depending on whether the outbound messages are sent by Bots only, both Agents and Bots or Agents only.

  • Fully Automated
  • Partially Automated
  • Fully Manual

Metrics like TTR and TTFR are shown for each of these categories.

CSAT By Issue Automation

This report shows you the CSAT by Issues based on the degree of Automation. Hence, CSAT for these issue categories such as Fully Automated, Partially Automated, Fully Manual depends on whether the outbound messages are sent by Bots only, both Agents and Bots or Agents only.

Agent Analytics

Trends (Activity)

The trends activity report provides metrics for Agent availability vs. online presence, Issue assigns, Issue resolves, and outbound messages. This report can be used to:

  • Monitor team and individual Agent activity over time by switching between Daily, Half-hourly or Weekly trends using the (↓↓) icon on the top left of each visual
  • Compare Agent online presence vs. when they were available to receive Issues – this metric is useful for evaluating productivity and tracking billable hours
  • Review changes in online hours and activity times to see if you need to hire additional Agents
  • Compare Issues assigned vs. Issues resolved – for a productive team, these metrics will be close together

Trends (Performance)

This report features trends in Agent performance by averages, including average time to first response, CSAT, acceptance rate, and reopen rates. Use this report to:

  • Monitor team and individual Agent performance over time by switching between Daily, Half-hourly or Weekly trends using the (↓↓) icon on the top left of each visual
  • Spot opportunities for improvement if an Agent’s CSAT, acceptance, or reopen rates change

Compare With Team

This report contains many valuable metrics for evaluating your team’s activity, quality of support, and efficiency. This report allows you to:

  • Easily compare Agent performance to team performance

All Agents

The ‘All Agents’ report is set up in a spreadsheet format with all of the metrics in this report listed for each Agent. You can use the information in this report to:

  • Compare when your Agents were last available vs. last online to evaluate productivity and track billable hours
  • See all the metrics of Agents belonging to one or more teams
  • Identify top performers and those who may need improvement by sorting specific columns

FAQ Analytics

FAQ Views & Searches

This report provides insight into how your FAQs are doing based on views, searches, and likes/dislikes. You can use this information to understand:

  • How your users are using your FAQs over time; which are consistently the most popular topics/questions so you can keep those up-to-date
  • What percentage of your Monthly Active Users have viewed FAQs in the past month
  • What searches are bringing up corresponding FAQs versus which do not bring up any search results so you can write new FAQs for those searches
  • What languages your FAQs are being reviewed in, and what are the most popular FAQs for those languages
  • Which of your FAQs receive positive feedback (likes) and which need improvement


This report provides metrics on the successful and failed deflections, deflections by section, deflections by device language, and more. This information allows you to:

  • Measure how effective your in-app FAQs are at deflecting the creation of new Issues
  • Track the success or failure of deflections over time
  • Identify FAQ sections with high successful or failed deflections
  • Identify languages for which the translations could be improved based on deflections by device language

Please note: currently the FAQ Deflections report only includes metrics for in-app users, and not web or email deflections.

FAQ Search Terms

This report provides metrics related to FAQ search terms: which searches turned up results, which did not turn up results, which ones provided FAQs that users clicked into, and more. This allows you to review the effectiveness of your search and answer the following:

  • How many searches were done over the past 15 days?
  • What were the most searched terms?
  • How many searches failed to show any FAQ results?

FAQ Search Terms (secondary)

This report provides tables of data and a word cloud related to FAQ searches that provided no results or no FAQs that users clicked into. This provides your team with insights into what keywords you can provide matching results for, and helps you answer the following:

  • What were the search terms that failed to show FAQ results?
  • How many searches showed irrelevant results (where the user did not click anything after completing the search)?
  • What were the search terms that showed irrelevant results?

FAQs List

This report provides a comprehensive list of all FAQs in your support portal. You can use this report to:

  • Review the overall performance of a specific FAQ by looking at the Views, Percentage of Likes, Successful & Failed Deflections metrics
  • Sort FAQs by last updated date to identify FAQs that may need to be updated

To set up additional features and learn more about Helpshift best practices, please review our Knowledge Base.

Bots Analytics

QuickSearch Bot

You can use the information in this report to track the effectiveness of your QuickSearch Bot as follows:

  • Track your daily deflections percentage to see how often your suggested FAQs are successfully preventing users from having to reach out
  • Check for spikes in daily invocations to see when the QuickSearch Bot is most active

QuickSearch Bot (secondary)

This secondary report allows you to see the percentage of FAQs suggested and read, which you can use to:

  • Check the daily percentage of FAQs read to see how effective your FAQ titles are at compelling users to open them for answers
  • Review the percentage of FAQs suggested by language to see if you need more FAQs for a specific language you support

QuickSearch Bot – FAQs

See a breakdown of suggested FAQs in a list format to review the following:

  • Check the ‘FAQ deflection failures’ count to see which FAQs need to be revised to better support users
  • Use the ‘FAQ last updated’ info to check for FAQs that may be out of date

Custom Bots

This report allows you to see overall invocation, completion, and interruption metrics for your Custom Bots. Use this report to:

  • Compare the amount of times the Bot was invoked to the amount of times it sent an outbound message to see how much work your Bots are doing for your team
  • Review the percentage of Issues assigned to Custom Bots to see how Bots are able to provide coverage for your team

Custom Bots (Times)

This report showcases the average completion and interruption times for each Custom Bot. With this report, you can:

  • Review the amount of times that a Bot interrupted an Automation to understand how these features interact as part of your workflow
  • Track the average Bot completion times to understand how Bot engagements may impact your SLA

Custom Bots (Transitions)

This report visually presents the flow of invocations for each Custom Bot, including the amount of times each step was invoked. Use this report to:

  • See how many end users are skipping steps within your Custom Bots flow, and which steps they are skipping, to review and optimize this flow
  • See if users are dropping off at certain steps to make changes to improve the support experience offered by the Bot