Helpshift Template App is a replacement for the current content pack. You can search and download Helpshift Template Apps from the AppSource.
Note: Helpshift Content packs ( Support Analytics, Agent Analytics, Bots Analytics, and FAQ Analytics) are deprecated by Microsoft because of manageability issues. Template App is a better version of the Content pack, therefore, going forward, all the updates about analytics will be available only in Template Apps. Helpshift recommends you to install/use Template Apps only.
Before you install a Template App, make sure that your Account Manager has activated Power BI in your Helpshift Dashboard.
To install a Helpshift Template App,
- Navigate to Analytics > Power BI Analytics. The Power BI Analytics page appears and displays your Power BI username. Keep the information handy as you go ahead through the rest of the Installation process.
- Next, navigate to and click the ‘Sign in’ button to register your Power BI account. By default, Microsoft provides a free Power BI Pro trial for 60 days.Note: To access Helpshift Template Apps, make sure that you have the ‘Power BI Pro’ license. For more information, refer to the Purchase and assign Power BI Pro user licenses and Power BI licensing in your organization pages.
- Complete the registration process and sign into your account.
- Once you log in to your account, navigate to Apps and click the ‘Get apps’ button.
- The AppSource page appears with a list of apps. Search for ‘Helpshift’ to bring up a list of available Helpshift Analytics apps.
Note: Install Azure template apps if you are using the Microsoft Azure platform. - Click the ‘Get it now’ button to begin with the Template App installation.
- Once you install the TemplateApp successfully, the Template App appears under the Apps tab.
- Click the ‘Template App’ to view the ‘Get started with your new app’ page. It includes the following buttons:
- Connect
- Explore app
- Edit workspaceNote: Click the ‘Explore app’ button, if you want to explore your App with sample data. For more details, refer to
- To connect the Template App to Helpshift data, navigate to Apps > Template App and click the ‘Connect’ button on the ‘Get started with your new app’ page.
- The ‘Connect to Helpshift Analytics’ page appears. Enter the following details:
- Domain: Enter your Helpshift domain exactly as it is written on your Dashboard. You can check your Helpshift URL, [domain] for this information if you need it.
- Days of data to show: Enter the number of previous days of data you would like to retrieve. As stated in the prompt, the maximum is 180.
- Click ‘Next’ to navigate to the next page, where you’ll be prompted to enter your URL and select your authentication method.
- URL: this information will be auto-populated based on your previous selection.
- Authentication method: click the drop-down and select ‘Basic’.
- Once you select ‘Basic’, the Username and Password fields will appear on this page.
- In the Username field, enter the Power BI user name as listed on the Power BI Analytics page in your Helpshift dashboard.
Steps to find this information are given at the beginning of this article. - Enter your password in the Password field, and then click ‘Sign In’ to proceed.
The downloaded Template App appears under the Apps tab.Note: Data import can take up to 15 minutes.