UI element reference: Create Automation dialog box

Settings > WORKFLOWS | Automations > [+ NEW AUTOMATION]

  • Title — The field where you enter a name for the new automation.
  • IF — The list from which you start filtering which combination of conditions should trigger your automation to run.
    • The available filters differ between new issue automations and time-based automations.
    • The list includes all of the default issue fields that Helpshift has prepared on your behalf, and also includes any custom issue fields that you have prepared.
The default issue field conditions are as follows.
  • App — (text filter) A new issue has arrived, which cites or omits one or more of your container apps, by name.
  • Platform — A new issue has arrived, which cites or omits one or more of the platforms that Helpshift supports, by name, such as iOS or Android.
  • Language — A new issue has arrived, which cites or omits one or more languages, by name, that Helpshift supports in automations.
  • Forwarding Email — (text filter) A new issue has arrived, which was submitted through email. We compare the player’s email address to one or more email addresses that you specify. Then:
Forwarding Email’ operators and their descriptions:
    • is — We find that the two addresses match exactly.
    • is not — We find that the two addresses do not match.
    • is one of — We find a match somewhere in the list of addresses.
    • is none of — We do not find a match anywhere in the list of addresses.
    • starts with — We find that the two addresses match their first N characters.
    • doesn’t start with — We find that the two addresses’ first N characters do not match.
    • ends with — We find that the two addresses match their last N characters.
    • doesn’t end with — We find that the two addresses’ last N characters do not match.
    • is set — We find that an email address is present.
    • is not set — We find that no email address is present.
  • Tags — (text filter) A new issue has arrived, which cites or omits one or more of your administrator-defined issue tags, by name.
  • Title or First Message — (text filter) A new issue has arrived. We compare its title and the player’s first message to one or more text strings that you specify.
‘Title or First Message’ operators and their descriptions:
    • contains all of — We find matches for every text string.
    • contains any of — We find one or more matches among the text strings.
    • contains none of — We find not even one match among the text strings.
  • Issue Arrival (date and/or time stamp filter) A new issue has arrived. We compare its calendar date, and/or its day of the week, and/or its time of day to rules that you defined for the automation.
‘Issue Arrival’ operators and their descriptions:
    • time is between OR time is not between — The rules for your automation specify:
      • your time zone
      • two time-of-day (hh:mm) values
Then, relative to the time zone, one of the following events sets off the
corresponding trigger.
      • An issue arrives between the specified times.
      • An issue arrives outside the range of specified times.
  • is within these days and times OR is outside these days and times — The rules for your automation specify:
    • your time zone
    • one or more days of the week (SMTWTFS)
    • two time-of-day (hh:mm) values
Then, relative to the time zone, one of the following events sets off the
corresponding trigger.
      • An issue arrives on a specified day, between the specified times.
      • An issue arrives, which either does not match any specified day of the week or is outside the range of specified times.
  • day is one of — You specify:
    • your time zone
    • one or more days of the week (SMTWThFS)
Then, relative to the time zone, an issue arrives on a matching day of the
  • date is OR date is not — You specify:
    • your time zone
    • one calendar date
Then, relative to the time zone, one of the following events sets off the
corresponding trigger.
      • An issue arrives on the specified date.
      • An issue arrives on any other date.
  • date is before OR date is after — You specify:
    • your time zone
    • one calendar date
Then, relative to the time zone, one of the following events sets off the
corresponding trigger.
      • An issue arrives before the specified date.
      • An issue arrives after the specified date.
  • date is between OR date is not between — You specify:
    • your time zone
    • two calendar dates
Then, relative to the time zone, one of the following events sets off the
corresponding trigger.
      • An issue arrives between the two dates.
      • An issue arrives outside the range of dates.
  • Predict Label — (text filter) A new issue has arrived. We compare the prediction label that Helpshift assigned to it automatically to one or more prediction labels that you specify. Then:
‘Predict Label’ operators and their descriptions:
    • is — We find that the two labels match exactly.
    • is not — We find that the two labels do not match.
    • is one of — We find a match somewhere in the list of labels.
    • is none of — We do not find a match anywhere in the list of labels.
    • is set — We find that any label is present.
    • is not set — We find that no label is present.
Your Helpshift instance may have different prediction labels than other instances do, depending on the data sample that you use to train it. Each instance is trained individually
by its administrators, using samples that are likely to be unique for each brand.


  • Agent or bot’s first response was not sent in
  • Agent or bot’s next response was not sent in
  • User has not replied to agent or bot’s message in
  • User has been offline for
The ‘User has been offline for’ condition applies exclusively to web chat, and exclusively to apps with user-presence detection enabled.

After you choose the condition, you:
  • set one or more        filters.
    • App
    • Platform
    • Language
    • Assignee Type (agent or bot)
    • Assignee
    • Tags (administrator-defined)
    • Queue
    • Predict Label
  • specify an amount of time that must elapse before Helpshift takes action.
    • count
    • unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days)
To describe highly specific scenarios that should trigger an automation, you can combine your
defined rules for multiple conditions.
  • To add (and start defining) another condition at any time, simply click + AND.
  • Alternatively, to start defining a more variable condition, click + OR.
THEN — The list to choose which actions occur automatically when triggered.
  • Reply to Customer — Helpshift sends the player a message that you prepare. This message can use entirely original text (which you enter), one or more text templates (which you choose after clicking Insert Text Template, or a combination of text templates and original text.
  • Assign — Helpshift assigns the issue to a bot that you specify, an issue routing queue that you specify, or a customer service agent whom you specify.
  • Add Private Note — Helpshift updates the issue history to include a note (which you enter now) that only your coworkers can see. To show a contextual menu of your coworkers, from which you can choose one name at a time, press the @ key. Alternatively, to mention the assigned user without regard for their username, enter @assignee.
  • Mark as Resolved/Rejected — Helpshift updates the issue state to be either Resolved or Rejected, as you specify.
  • Update Default Issue Fields — After you choose which default issue field (DIF) to update, Helpshift performs the action that you specify.
    Supported actions may include add, remove, set to, or other alternatives.
  • Update Custom Issue Fields — After you choose which custom issue field (CIF) to update, Helpshift performs the action that you specify.
Supported actions may include add, remove, set to, or other alternatives.