Upon finishing their work for an open user issue, customer service agents and bots generally resolve the issue. But then, what should occur afterward?
  • Should Helpshift prompt the user to confirm whether their issue was really resolved? If so, how would you phrase the prompt?
  • If the user disagrees that their issue was ever really resolved, what should happen to their (now reopened) issue?
  • Should you ask the user to complete a satisfaction survey? If you plan to survey a user, what would you ask?
This article covers resolution experience settings for in-app (Helpshift mobile SDK) scenarios and web chat scenarios alike.


Step 1. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings.

Step 2. In the navigation pane, scroll to the APP SETTINGS area. Then, click the app whose resolution experience you plan to configure.

The {appName} App Settings page opens.

Step 3. On the {appName} App Settings page, find either the iOS / Android card or the Web Chat card. Then, on whichever of these cards meets your current need, click CONFIGURE.

Depending on which card you choose, either the “In-app SDK Configuration” page or the “Web Chat Configuration” page opens. Although these pages help you to configure two separate aspects of the end-user experience, their UI elements and workflows are nearly identical.

Step 4. In the tab bar, click Resolution Experience.

In most cases, the page that opens shows three cards: “Resolution Question” “Workflow for Reopened Issues” “Customer Satisfaction Survey" OR “Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) Bot” (depending on whether you’re on the “In-app SDK Configuration” page or the “Web Chat Configuration” page)

Step 5. (Conditional) Do any or all of the following, as described below.
  • Configure the resolution questions
  • Configure what happens to a reopened issue
  • Configure a customer satisfaction survey

Configure the resolution question

Ask yourself: After the agent or bot marks an issue as resolved, should your Helpshift instance prompt the user to confirm whether they agree? If so, how long should your Helpshift instance wait for a response before proceeding as if the user’s silence equals confirmation?

On the “Resolution Question” card, do the following.

a. To configure if users see any resolution question, ever, set the toggle to ON or OFF.

When you set the toggle to ON and the user answers:
  • No — Then, we reopen their issue automatically.
  • Yes — Then, we consider their issue resolved.
b. In the Message field, do one of the following.
  • Enter free text.
  • Choose a text template.
  • Enter free text and also choose a text template.
  • Use the system-default message — a text template that asks, “Did we solve your problem?”
c. From the Expire After list, choose an interval.

Configure what happens to a reopened issue

Ask yourself: When the resolution question feature is turned ON and an end-user disagrees that their issue was resolved — causing it to become reopened — what should happen next?

The Workflow for Reopened Issues card is visible only when the Resolution Question toggle is set to ON.

a. On the “Workflow for Reopened Issues” card, choose how to assign or route the reopened issue.

b. After you choose a general category, you must also — in some cases — choose a more definitive option.

  • When your Helpshift instance is not configured to use queues, the Workflows for Reopened Issues card does not show any queue-related options.
  • Similarly, when your Helpshift instance is not configured to use bots, this card does not show any bot-related options.
  • When you choose “Assign back to agent,” but something prevents us from doing so, we route the reopened issue to a queue, instead.
  • The customer satisfaction survey that we describe here asks a user to rate the quality of support that their assigned agent provided.

Configure a customer satisfaction survey

Ask yourself: When your support organization and your user agree that an issue is resolved, should your Helpshift instance prompt the user to complete a satisfaction survey? If so, what message should accompany the survey? And how long should your Helpshift instance wait for a user to respond before proceeding as if they were very satisfied?

IN-APP — On the “Customer Satisfaction Survey” card, do the following.

a. To configure if users see any customer satisfaction survey, ever, set the toggle to ON or OFF.

The introductory message is always “How would you rate your chat experience?” You cannot edit it.

b. From the CSAT Time Window list, choose an interval.

WEB CHAT — On the “Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) Bot” card, do the following.

a. To configure if users see any customer satisfaction survey, ever, set the toggle to ON or OFF.

b. In the Message field, do one of the following.
  • Enter free text.
  • Choose a text template.
  • Enter free text and use it in combination with a text template.
  • Use the system-default message — a text template that asks, “Did we solve your problem?”
c. From the CSAT Time Window list, choose an interval.

d. On the page banner, click SAVE & PUBLISH.

The in-app resolution experience and the web chat resolution experience are configured separately.
  • If, during Step 3, you clicked CONFIGURE on the iOS / Android card, then you have now finished configuring the in-app resolution experience.
  • If, during Step 3, you clicked CONFIGURE on the Web Chat card, then you have now finished configuring the web chat resolution experience.
  • Until you configure both of these experiences, one of them is not configured.