Note: User Hub features are in Closed Beta. Please reach out to your Customer Success managers for more information.

You can configure user fields at global and app levels to store relevant user information. This feature allows you to manage user data more efficiently, enabling agents to access important user context during support interactions.

User Fields

User fields let you store and manage important user data across apps and user and app-level profiles. They help you store data on a user independent of any specific issue creation.

Global User Fields

Global User Fields store information across all apps in your domain.


You can create two types of fields:

  1. Standard fields: Pre-configured fields available for every user profile.

  2. Custom User Fields (CUFs): As a brand, you can create and save up to 20 custom user fields at the global level. This field type is useful when you need to show additional data around the user that is not app-specific. You can also customize the names of these fields to match your requirements.

App-Level User Fields

App-Level User Fields store data specific to each app in your domain.


You can create two types of fields:

  1. Standard Fields: Pre-configured fields available for every app profile.
  2. Custom User Fields (CUFs): These fields allow you to collect app-specific information. As a brand, you can create and save up to 30 custom user fields at the app level, in addition to the standard fields. You can also customize the name of these fields according to your preferences.

Creating a Custom User Field (CUF)

The Date and Time field is a new addition to the Custom User Fields (CUFs), similar to the Custom Issue Fields (CIFs). This field allows you to store user-level data such as log-in dates, purchase dates, recent help center access times, and other engagement-related information.

To create a custom user field, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. In the USERS area, click User Fields.
    You will see two tabs: Global User Fields and App-Level User Fields.
  3. Select the type of user field you want to create by clicking one of the tabs.
  4. Click + NEW USER FIELD. A pop-up will appear where you can select a field type.
  5. Select the required Field Type.
  6. Provide a Label and Key for the new field.
  7. Click SAVE.
    Once you've confirmed the field creation, a pop-up will appear to Confirm New User Field.
  8. Click SAVE to confirm.
  • Duplicate labels or keys are not allowed at the brand level. The system will throw an error if a duplicate name or key is used.

  • Label and Key characters should not exceed 255 characters.

  • The  button will be disabled once the maximum number of custom user fields is reached (20 at the global level and 30 at the app level).

User Field Search

You can easily search for all the configured user fields at the global and app level.

Viewing and Duplicating CUF

Note: As of the current version, there are no options to delete or edit custom user fields. Once a user field is created, you can only view or duplicate it.

To view or duplicate a custom user field, follow these steps:

  1. Click the More Options button () next to the user field you want to manage.
  2. Select View to see the details of the user field, or choose Duplicate to create a copy of the same user field with similar configurations.

Learn more about how user fields can be viewed within a user’s profile.