This feature is available only on SDK X 10.2.0 and above.


This feature automatically captures the last-read FAQ context via Custom Issue Fields(CIFs) and metadata when users create an issue. Admin/Operator needs to configure CIFs once for relevant FAQs; once set, these CIFs can be used to configure new issue automation. If CIFs are not configured, the last-read FAQ link will still appear in the issue’s metadata. This allows Support Agents to grasp users' recent FAQ interactions quickly, streamlining classification and speeding up resolution.

Assign CIFs to FAQ

For this feature, you can create two types of CIFs (Dropdown and Single line text).

 Before assigning CIFs to FAQ, make sure you have created the CIFs. Learn more about how to create CIFs.

To assign CIFs to FAQ, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the FAQs section.

  2. Select the specific FAQ for which you want to add CIFs.

  3. Under the Settings tab, go to the Pass Custom Issue Fields to Issues section.

  4. Click ADD.

  5. Select the appropriate CIF and value.

Following the above steps will successfully assign your CIF and its value to the FAQ. If this is the user's last-read FAQ, then these FAQ CIFs will be copied down to the issue.

Note: Admin/Operator cannot delete the CIFs if they are in use unless they are removed from the dependent FAQ.

Agent Experience

Use Case 1: Agent can see last-read FAQ CIFs in the CIFs section of the issue.



  • If the user navigates from an FAQ where CIFs are set, those CIFs will be copied here.

  • If the user navigates directly to the chat, the value of the last-read FAQ field will be "-”.

Use Case 2: To find the last FAQ link that was read, go to the Issue Metadata section and check the Last read FAQ field.


Note: If the user navigates directly to the chat, the value of the last-read FAQ field will be "-”.

Use Case 3: To view the logs for trail and audit purposes, click  Show Logs to see the assignment details.

Note: Please note the conditions under which CIFs and metadata will not be recorded:

  1. If a user navigates directly to the chat screen without reading a FAQ.
  2. If a user goes directly to the chat screen after clicking on a push notification popup.
  3. If a user initiates a new chat from the conversation screen by closing an existing case (without reading a FAQ).