Note: This feature is currently in Beta.

Admins can switch between languages for Machine translations and Manual translations.

Follow the steps given below to manage languages for Machine translations:

  1. Log in to your Helpshift domain as an administrator.
  2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click FAQs.
  3. Click the NEW FAQ button.
  4. Add details like FAQ Questions, Answers, and Search Terms (Optional) in English language.
    When you add content to the FAQ Editor, SAVE it to enable MANAGE LANGUAGES.
  5. Click MANAGE LANGUAGES from the LANGUAGES section.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the language to choose the language for Machine translations.
    You will not be able to select languages that are not supported by Language AI.
    If you want to move a language from Machine translations to Manual translations, uncheck the selection for a language.
  7. Click SAVE.


  • By default, the list of all App-supported languages will be shown under MANAGE LANGUAGES. Language AI-supported languages will be pre-selected, and the rest of the languages will be grayed out.

  • Select the checkbox for Save selection for future new FAQs in this app option at the bottom to save your language preference for that App. All the new FAQs created will have this selection by default. This can be updated at any point and will be effective for all new FAQs after the update.