Note: This feature is currently in Beta.

Admins can manually update the content in the Machine translations section of FAQs for specific language modifications post-Machine translation.

Manual updates can be made through the dashboard or API. A yellow dot appears near the selected language when the content is updated manually.
The dot and message remain visible until the language is updated using Machine translation.

Follow the steps given below to update language in the Machine translations manually:

  1. Log in to your Helpshift domain as an administrator.
  2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click FAQs.
  3. Open a Section Title.
  4. Click the EDIT button to the right of the Section header.
  5. Update the required changes to the translated content in the FAQ editor.
  6. Click SAVE.
    Languages modified after Machine translations will be marked with a yellow dot.

Note: This feature applies only to FAQs, not to Section Titles.

  • Due to technical limitations, the dot will not appear for bulk updates via CSV or HTML.

  • You can perform bulk actions such as exporting and updating FAQs via CSV and HTML without any changes in the current process,

  • If the FAQ is updated manually via CSV or HTML, it will be considered as Manual translation and will not be marked with a dot.

  • There is no change in the process for bulk translations added using HSAPI/CSV.