Note: This feature is currently in Beta.

This section helps admins navigate the different functionalities of the Language AI for FAQ Translations feature.

Translation of FAQ Section Titles

Admins can use Language AI for FAQ Translations to automate the translation of FAQ Section titles into supported languages.

Follow the steps given below to translate the FAQ Section Title:

  1. Log in to your Helpshift domain as an administrator.
  2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click FAQs.
  3. Click the NEW SECTION button to the right of the Sections header.
  4. Enter the Section Title. 
    The default language is English.
    The FETCH TRANSLATIONS button is enabled only after adding content in English.
    Clicking on it will add translations to all the languages in the Machine translations section and save the Section Title.

    A confirmation pop-up will appear for the translation process.

  6. Click TRANSLATE to proceed.
    For languages in the Manual translations section, add content manually and click SAVE.

Note: The Machine translations section will show all languages supported by Language AI and the App.

Individual Translation of Section Titles

You can also use the Translate button ( add image) to individually translate the Section Title into a specific language.

Translation of FAQs

Admins can automatically add translations of FAQs in selected languages (supported by Language AI) instead of manually adding translations.

Follow the steps given below to add translations of FAQs:

  1. Log in to your Helpshift domain as an administrator.
  2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click FAQs.
  3. Click the NEW FAQ button.
  4. Add details like FAQ Questions, Answers, and Search Terms(Optional) in English language.
  5. Click SAVE AND TRANSLATE to push translations into all the languages in the Machine Translations section. A pop-up will appear for confirmation.
    You can manage languages between Machine translations and Manual translations.
    Alternatively, you can also click SAVE to save your FAQ content in English and FETCH TRANSLATIONS individually.
  6. Click TRANSLATE.
    Clicking on Translate will process the translation requests asynchronously and show the progress. The admin can stay on the screen or close the page to continue with other work.

    Once the translations are processed, the admin will be notified of the translation status via notification and email, and the FAQ content will be saved.

Note: In cases of failure of translation request, the retry translate option is available for failed languages to fetch translations for all or individual languages.

Individually Fetching Translations

You can fetch translations individually for a specific language.

  1. On the Helpshift toolbar, click FAQs.
  2. Click the NEW FAQ button.
  3. Add details like FAQ Questions, Answers, and Search Terms (Optional) in English language.
  4. Click SAVE.
  5. Under the Machine translations section, select a language.
  6.  Click FETCH TRANSLATIONS to individually translate content from English to a selected language and save it. This will be useful when a new language is added to the App and you need to fetch translations individually for that language.


  • The Machine translations section will display all the languages that are supported by both the App and Language AI by default.

  • For existing FAQs (created before this feature launch), all the existing translations will be under the Manual translations section by default. If required, the admin will have the option to move them to the Machine translations section (using the MANAGE LANGUAGES option).

  • As a best practice for updating published FAQs, unpublish, translate, review, and then republish the FAQs.