Note: This feature is currently in Beta.

FAQs without Language AI for FAQ Translations

FAQ translations can be managed manually when Language AI is not enabled.

FAQ editor when Language AI is disabled

When FAQ translations are disabled, MANAGE LANGUAGES will be locked, and all the languages will be in the Manual translations section by default. In this case, creating and updating FAQs shall be as follows:

  • Creating a new FAQ: Navigate to FAQs and click NEW FAQ. You will see that MANAGE LANGUAGES are locked, and all the languages are available in the Manual translations section only.
  • Manual translations only: All languages supported by the app will be listed under the Manual translations section.

Note: You cannot switch between Machine translations and Manual translations, and the MANAGE LANGUAGES tab will be inaccessible until the Language AI for FAQ Translations feature is enabled.

Enabling Language AI for FAQ Translations

Follow the steps given below to request/enable the Language AI for FAQ Translations:

  1. Log in to your Helpshift domain as an administrator.

  2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click SensAI.

  3. Click REQUEST FEATURE under Language AI for FAQ Translations option.

  4. You will see the confirmation dialog box on the screen.
    Click DONE.

Once the feature is requested, a representative from our team will reach out to you.

Upon enabling this feature for your domain, you will see the button change to FEATURE ENABLED.

Alternatively, you can also request the feature by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the MANAGE LANGUAGES section in the FAQ editor.


Once enabled, you can translate both FAQ Section Titles and FAQs using Language AI for FAQ Translations.

FAQ Section Title will have two sections.

  • Machine translations: If the language is supported by Language AI.
  • Manual translations: If the language is not supported by Language AI.

The FAQ editor will also have two sections where all the App-supported languages will be listed under the Machine translations sections.

You will also see a tab called MANAGE LANGUAGES to switch between two translation modes.

Note: The MANAGE LANGUAGES tab will be accessible only after you save your content.