Note: This feature is currently in Beta.

Transform your global customer interactions with the new Language AI for FAQ Translations. Now, with just a simple click within the FAQ editor, you can translate your FAQs into over 70 languages.

Key Highlights

  • Streamlined multilingual content management - Eliminate the need for localization services or manual translation work of adding translations one language at a time.

  • Custom-Trained Engines - Language AI uses engines fine-tuned with brand-specific data, delivering precise and contextual translations that maintain brand voice across languages.

  • Rich Media Formatting - Language AI translation handles rich media formatting, alleviating the tedious manual work required to maintain consistent formatting across different languages.

  • Efficiency and Cost Reduction—This reduces translation expenses and addresses the time-consuming challenge of manually translating FAQ content into multiple languages.

  • Global Reach and Flexibility: Seamlessly translate FAQs into multiple languages to make your help center accessible to a diverse audience. Admins can also manually adjust translations for cultural appropriateness and accuracy.

Refer to the topics below to manage and use this feature more effectively: