When it comes to providing an excellent customer support experience in your help center, there are various options available to enhance it. Enabling web chat on your help center page is one of those options where bots and automation provide fast and efficient support to your customers.

Enabling web chat is a straightforward process and just requires selecting an option, making it incredibly easy to add this option. Alternatively, you can continue using the standard Contact Us page for customer support.

Let’s understand how to set up a web chat experience:


To configure the Web Chat Widget on the help center:

  1. In an app, add Web Chat as a platform

  2. Enable the Show Web Chat Widget toggle

Enable Web Chat on the help center

Using the contact option available on help center, admin can enable web chat on the help center.

  1. Log in to your Helpshift instance (or “tenant”) as its administrator.

  2. On the Helpshift toolbar, click Settings.

  3. In the navigation bar, scroll to the APP SETTINGS area. Then, select the app where you want to make changes.
    The App Settings page opens.

  4. On the App Settings page, scroll to the help center card.

  5. On the help center card, select Web Chat Widget from the contact option section.
    Now, web chat is enabled for customers on the help center.
    Note: You can also configure the web chat experience, settings are right below as soon as you select the web chat widget.

  6. Refer to Web Chat Guide for configuration details.

End User Experience

Web Chat Widget