There are two reasons why an app crash can occur on iOS when users tap the ‘attach’ icon in their support chat.

1. (iOS 6+) The Helpshift SDK uses UIImagePickerController, which supports portrait mode only. This means if the interface orientations supported by your application do not include portrait mask, then while choosing a screenshot the application will crash.

Please ensure that your application’s list of supported interface orientations does not exclude portrait out. You can learn more about how to avoid this crash by reviewing our developer documentation for iOS on Orientation Fix.

2. (iOS 10+)Apple has made it mandatory to have NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key in the project’s info.plist file. This key has been there since iOS 6, but Apple has increased the security measures since iOS 10.

In our SDK, we let the users attach screenshots to the issue. F or the app to access the camera roll, the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key has to be present in the plist file of the project. This key basically tells the usage for which the app is going to access the camera roll, which is termed as “access privacy-sensitive data” by Apple.

You can learn more about this requirement by reviewing our developer documentation for iOS on adding the latest stable SDK release to your project.