If you have a New Issue Automation set up to Autoreply to Issues, there are two possible outcomes for the Issue based on how those Automations are set up:

  1. If the New Issue Automation autoreplies to a new Issue, and no Agent ever replies to that issue, then the Auto Resolve Automation will not run on the Issue.
  2. If the New Issue Automation autoreplies to a new Issue, and then an Agent replies to that same Issue, then the Auto Resolve automation WILL run on the Issue.

When a new Issue comes in, an Autoreplied Issue remains in a ‘New’ and ‘Unassigned’ Issue state to be reviewed by an Agent, identical to completely new Issues that have not been Autoreplied to. This is to protect these Issues from getting closed without true assistance, and ensure that they are reviewed prior to resolution.

To have Auto Resolve apply to Autoreplied Issues without manual action, you’ll need to add a ‘Resolve’ rule to your Automation to close the Issue upon receipt. You can do so as follows:

1. Navigate to Settings > Workflows > Automations, make sure you’re on the ‘New Issue’ tab, then click the gear icon next to the Automation you’d like to update.

2. In the ‘Edit Automation’ pop-up that appears, click the ‘Add Action’ button and select ‘Status’.

3. This will bring up the option to update the Issue status to ‘Resolved’ or ‘Rejected’. This action will be applied after the Autoreply has been sent.

4. Click ‘Save Changes’ to update this Automation.

Once you’ve updated these settings, the Automation will run so that the end user will receive the autoreply, and then the Issue will be closed in the Dashboard. If you use our default settings for allowing the user to ‘Accept’ or ‘Not Accept’ the resolution, they can always hit ‘Not Accept’ and reply back. This will reopen the Issue to ‘New’ status.

Alternatively, you can invite a new fake Agent to your Helpshift account. As an example the Agent could be called ‘Autoreplied’. You can then add a rule to your New Issue Automation to assign the Issue to Agent ‘Autoreplied’ in addition to sending an Autoreply. Then you can create a Smart View only for ‘Autoreplied’ assigned Issues that you can periodically bulk resolve at the end of your work day. This would replace your Autoresolve and would involve manual action on part of the Agent bulk editing the Issues.

To learn more, see How do I invite my team members as Agents, Admins, & Supervisors?

Please also note the following:

  • It may be beneficial to give your users some time to read the Autoresponse and have the option to respond before seeing that their issue is resolved. They’ll still be able to respond back after resolves with our default settings, however.
  • It may be a bad user experience to have these options enabled and have the resolution question set to ‘NO’ in the SDK configuration, as it will not allow users to reopen Issues.