The following glossary includes all metrics as they are defined in the Analytics API. To learn more about how to use the API, see How do I use the Analytics API? To access the API with your API keys, visit our API portal.
Support Metrics API (Metrics per Hour or Day)
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
Row ID
| Unique record ID to "upsert" (update or insert) record on target datastore |
| row_id |
Time window
| Hourly/daily time window for the aggregated/summarized metrics |
| time |
App | App Publish ID |
| app_id |
Platform |
| platform_type |
Lang |
Widget Loads | Number of times the widget was loaded | Count (Widget Loads) | widget_loads |
Widget Opens (Existing Issue) | Number of times the widget was opened with an existing Issue | Count (Widget Opens with an existing Issue) | widget_opens_existing_issue |
Widget Opens (No existing Issue) | Number of times the widget was opened without an existing Issue | Count (Widget Opens without an existing Issue) | widget_opens_no_existing_issue |
Conversation Started | New Conversations Started (user has typed first message) | Count (User, without an existing Issue, sends a message) | conversations_started |
Issues Created | New Issues Created | Count (New Issues Created) | issues_created |
Issues Assigns | Issues Assigned (non-unique) | Count (Issues Assign Events) | issue_assigns |
Issue Reopens | Issue Reopens (non-unique) | Count (Issue Reopen Events) | reopens |
Issues First | Issues First Responded To | Count (Issues First Response Events) | issues_first_responded |
Inbound Messages | Number of messages sent by Users | Count (User messages) | inbound_messages |
Outbound Messages | Number of messages sent by Agents or Bots | Count (Agent or Bot responses) | outbound_messages |
Issues Resolved by Agents or Bots | Issues Resolved by Agents or Bots (non-unique) | Count (Issues Resolved by Agents or Bots Events) | resolves_by_agent |
Issues Rejected by Agents or Bots | Issues Rejected by Agents or Bots | Count (Issues Rejected by | rejects_by_agent |
Issues Resolved by | Issues Resolved by Automations (non-unique) | Count (Issues Resolved by | resolves_by_automation |
Issues Rejected by Automations | Issues Rejected by Automations | Count (Issues Rejected by | rejects_by_automation |
Avg Time To First Response | Average Time To First Agent or Bot | Count (Agent or Bot Response | avg_ttfr |
No of First Responses | Number of Issue first responses |
| ttfr_count |
Avg Time To Resolve | Average Time To Resolve the Issue | Count (Resolve Timestamp - Issue Created Timestamp) | avg_ttr |
No of Resolves
| Number of Issue Resolves |
| ttr_count |
Avg CSAT | Average CSAT on Issues |
| avg_csat |
No of Issues Rated
| No of Issues Rated 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively |
| csat1_count,sat2. |
Avg Time To Each Response (Avg | Average Time To Each Response to User Message |
| avg_tter |
No of Agent | Number of Agent Messages considered in the Avg TTER |
| tter_count |
Agent Metrics API (Metrics per Agent)
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
Agent Online Time | Time the agent is logged in the Helpshift dashboard and tab/window is alive in the browser, in mili seconds | We stop online hours tracking after ~5/10 secs of closing a tab or agent logs out. If the tab is, background/application is the background with the Helpshift site open. It will consider as online. | online_time |
Agent Available Time | Time the agent was marked available in mili seconds | Available time will not stop until explicit marked unavailable toggle | available_time |
Agent Logged In Time | Time the agent was Logged into Helpshift in mili seconds | Agent stays logged in until their session expires. Normally a session expires in 2 hours after login but if you select Remember me on this computer for 7 days button during login the session would expire in 7 days. | loggedin_time |
Outbound Messages | Number of messages sent | Count (Agent responses to the end user) | outbound_messages |
Average Outbound Messages per Resolved Issue | Average of number of Outbound Messages per Resolved Issue | Count (Outbound Responses for Resolved Issues) / Count (Resolved Issues) | avg_outbound_messages |
Issue Assigns | Number of Issue Assignments | Count (Issue Assigns to the Agent) | issue_assigns |
Issue Resolves | Issue Resolves | Count (Issue Resolves) | issue_resolves |
Issue Rejects | Issue Rejects | Count (Issue Rejects) | issue_rejects |
Avg CSAT | Avg. CSAT for all issues that received the CSAT rating | Sum (CSAT Ratings) / Count (CSAT Ratings) | avg_csat |
Avg Time To First Response | Average time taken for the First Agent response | Avg (Issue First Response | avg_ttfr |
No of First Responses | Number of Issue first responses |
| ttfr_count |
Avg Time for Each Response (Avg | Average time taken for Each Agent or Bot response to an unanswered User Message | Avg (Agent Response | avg_tter |
No of Agent | Number of Agent Messages considered in the Avg TTER |
| tter_count |
Avg Time To Resolve | Average time taken to Resolve the Issue | Avg (Issue Resolve Timestamp - | avg_ttr |
No of Resolves
| Number of Issue Resolves |
| ttr_count |
Accepts | Number of Issue Resolutions Accepted by Users | Count (Issue Resolutions | accepted_resolutionsA |
Rejects | Number of Issue Resolution Rejected by Users | Count (Issue Resolutions | rejected_resolutions |
Reopens | Number of Issue Reopens by Users | Count (Issue Reopens) | reopens |
*Inbound Phone Calls | Number of inbound phone calls answered by the voice agent |
| inbound_phone_calls |
*Outbound Phone Calls | Number of outbound phone calls made by the voice agent |
| outbound_phone_calls |
**Weighted Sum of | Weighted Open Issues in the Agent's plate. This measures Agent's Work in terms of how long Each Issue is assigned to the Agent; hence weighted sum over the duration. | Sum of time fragments times the number of issues active for the Agent during the time fragment. | assigned_issues_tw_sum |
**Time with Open Assigned Issues | The total time during which the Agent had open issues i.e the Agent had work to do | The time for which the Agent had at least one issue assigned. | assigned_issues_time |
**Backlog of Open Assigned Issues | The number of open assigned issues for the Agent at the start of the measurement window. | Snapshot value. | assigned_issues_backlog |
**Number of Unique Issues Replied To | The number of unique issues the Agent replies to during this duration. One issue could have multiple messages by the same Agent, hence this metric indicates how many issues the Agent actually worked on |
| replied_issues_count |
Note: Agent metrics with * sign are valid only for the Amazon Connect Integration instance.
** These metrics will be returned only if “agent_workload“ is present in the “includes” parameter, i.e. when the optional includes=agent_workload flag is supplied to API.
Issue Metric API (Metrics per Issue)
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
Row ID | Unique record ID to "upsert" (to insert or update) record on target datastore |
| row_id |
Issue Publish ID | Issue ID |
| id |
Created On | Timestamp when the issue was last updated in requested |
| created_at |
App | App Publish ID |
| app_id |
Platform | Platform |
| platform_type |
Language | Language |
| language |
User Id | Id of the User as passed in the login API call |
| external_user_id |
Status | Current state of the Issue |
| state |
Time To First Assign | Time To First Assign | Count (First Assign Timestamp - Issue | ttfa |
Time To First Response | Time To First Agent or Bot Response | Count (First Response | ttfr |
Human time to first response | Counts, in milliseconds, all time that elapsed between an issue's initial routing to an agent or a service queue and the first moment when a human agent engaged with it. | Counts milliseconds | human_ttfr |
First human responder | Identifies, by UUID, the first human agent who responded to an issue. | Cites the agent UUID | first_human_responder_id |
Time To Resolve | Time To Resolve | Count (Issue Resolution | ttr |
Holding Time | First Assign To First Agent or Bot Response | Count (First Response | holding_time |
Handling Time | First Assign To Resolve Time | Count (Issue Resolution | handling_time |
Average Time To Each Response | Average of Time To Each User Response | Avg (Agent Response | Two fields: |
Inbound Messages | User Messages Attachments
| inbound_messages |
Outbound Messages | Agent or Bot Messages |
| outbound_messages |
Reopens | Number of times Issue has been reopened |
| reopens |
Accepts | Number of times a user accepted the resolution |
| accepted _resolutions |
Rejects | Number of times user rejected the resolution |
| rejected_resolutions |
CSAT Feedback | CSAT feedback from the user |
| feedback_comment |
CSAT Feedback On | Timestamp of the CSAT feedback |
| feedback_at |
CSAT Rating | CSAT Rating |
| feedback_rating |
Current Assignee | Current Assigned Agent (Id) |
| assignee_id |
Tags |
| Current set of tags | tags |
Custom Issue Fields | Custom Issue Fields for the Issue |
| cifs |
External User Id | Id of the User as passed in the login API call |
| external_user_id |
| ||
*Inbound Phone Calls | Number of inbound phone calls for the Issue |
| inbound_phone_calls |
*Outbound Phone Calls | Number of outbound phone calls for the Issue |
| outbound_phone_calls |
*Phone Escalations | Number of messaging to phone escalations on the Issue |
| phone_escalations |
*Phone Deflection | If the Issue is originated from the Phone IVR deflection flow |
| is_phone_from_deflection |
Initial Queue Id | First Queue Id of the Issue |
| initial_queue_id |
Initial Queue Name | First Queue Name of the Issue |
| initial_queue_name |
Current Queue Id | Current Queue Id of the Issue |
| current_queue_id |
Current Queue | Current Queue Name of the Issue |
| current_queue_name |
Intents | Level 1 and Level 2 intents selected by the User |
| smart_intents |
Issue Creation Path | On the chat screen, the path that the user takes to create the Issue. It includes the following values:
| si_end_user_journey |
Agent Outbound | Count of messages sent by agents for an issue |
| agent_outbound_messages |
Custom Bot | Count of messages sent by custom bots for an issue |
| custombot_outbound_ |
Other Outbound | Count of messages sent by NIA/TimBA/HS-API/Queue Fallback for an issue (Non-Agent, Non-Custom Bot messages) |
| other_outbound_messages |
Automation | Following are the categories:
| automation_category_by |
Automation subcategory by Outbound | For the Fully Automated category, below are the subcategories:
For the Partially Automated category, below are the subcategories:
For the Fully Manual category, below are the subcategories:
For the None of the above category, below is the subcategory:
| automation_subcategory_ |
Note: Issue metrics with * sign are valid only for the Amazon Connect Integration instance.
FAQs Metric API (Metrics per FAQ)
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
App | App Publish Id |
| app_id |
Platform | Platform |
| platform_type |
Language | FAQ Language |
| language |
FAQ Publish Id | FAQ Publish Id |
| id |
FAQ Section | Section Name |
| section_title |
FAQ Views | Number of FAQ Views |
| views |
FAQ Likes | Number of FAQ Likes |
| likes |
FAQ Dislikes | Number of FAQ Dislikes |
| dislikes |
Last Updated On | Last Updated Timestamp |
| last_updated_at |
Successful Deflections | Number of times a user opened an FAQ, then did not file an Issue within 15 minutes of having opened that FAQ | Count (Issue was not created within 15 minutes of FAQ View(s)) | successful_deflections |
Failed Deflections | Number of times a user opened an FAQ, then filed an Issue within 15 minutes of having opened that FAQ | Count (Issues created within 15 minutes of FAQ View(s)) | failed_deflections |
ChatBot Step Metric API
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
Custom Bot Id | Custom Bot Publish Id |
| custom_bot_id |
Step Name | Name of the step invoked by a bot |
| name |
Step Type | Type of step invoked by a bot |
| type |
Custom Bot Name | Name of the custom bot |
| custom_bot_name |
Invocations | Number of times step was invoked | Count (Step invoked by custom bot) | invocations |
Skips | Number of times step was skipped by end-user | Count (Step skipped by custom bot) | completions |
Step Id | Custom Bot step publish Id |
| id |
ChatBot Metric API
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
Custom Bot Id | Custom Bot Publish Id |
| id |
Custom Bot Name | Custom Bot Name |
| name |
Custom Bot Status | Status of Custom Bot |
| status |
Invocations | Number of times custom bot was invoked | Count (Custom Bot Invocations) | invocations |
Completions | Number of times custom bot completed successfully | Count (Custom Bot Completions) | completions |
Agent Interruptions | Number of times custom bot was interrupted by agent | Count (Agent Interruptions) | agent_interruptions |
Automation Interruptions | Number of times custom bot was interrupted by automation | Count (Automation Interruptions) | automation_interruptions |
Avg Completion Time | Time taken by custom bot to complete its execution | Timestamp of successful bot completion - Timestamp of bot invocation | avg_completion_time |
Issue Reopens | Number of times issue resolved by custom bot was reopened | Count (Reopens for issues resolved by custom bot) | issues_reopend |
Issues Rejected | Number of times issue was rejected by custom | Count (Issues rejected by custom bot) | issues_rejected |
Issues Resolved | Number of times issue was resolved by custom bot | Count (Issues resolved by custom bot) | issues_resolved |
Inbound Messages | Number of replies to custom bot by end-user | Count (Replies sent to end-user by custom bot) | inbound_messages |
Outbound Messages | Number of messages sent by custom bot to end-user | Count (Replies sent by end-user to custom bot) | outbound_messages |
CIFS Mapped | Number of CIFs set by custom bot | Count (CIFs set by custom bot) | cifs_mapped |
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
Model Name | The name of the predict model |
| model_name |
Model Status | The status of the predict model |
| model_status |
Label Name | The name of the predict label predicted for the issues |
| label_name |
Label Status | The status of the predict label predicted for the issues |
| label_status |
Issues Labelled | Issues labelled per model per label | count (total issues labelled by predict) | issues_labelled |
Marked Inaccurate by Agent | Issues on which agent marked predict label as inaccurate | count (issues on which agent marked label as inaccurate but did not change it) | marked_inaccurate_by_agent |
Label Corrected By Agent | Issues on which agent corrected predict label to another label | count (issues on which agent marked label as inaccurate and changed the label) | label_corrected _by_agent |
Issue Reopens | Issue Reopens (non-unique) | Count (Issue Reopen Events) | reopens |
Inbound Messages | Number of messages sent by Users | Count (User messages) | inbound_messages |
Outbound Messages | Number of messages sent by Agents or Bots | Count (Agent or Bot responses) | outbound_messages |
Issues Resolved by Agents or Bots | Issues Resolved by Agents or Bots (non-unique) | Count (Issues Resolved by Agents or Bots | resolves_by_agent |
Issues Rejected by Agents or Bots | Issues Rejected by Agents or Bots | Count (Issues Rejected by Agents or Bots) | rejects_by_agent |
Issues Resolved by Automations | Issues Resolved by Automations (non-unique) | Count (Issues Resolved by Automations Events) | resolves_by_automation |
Issues Rejected by Automations | Issues Rejected by Automations | Count (Issues Rejected by Automations) | rejects_by_automation |
Avg Time To First Response | Average Time To First Agent or Bot | Count (Agent or Bot Response Timestamp - | avg_ttfr |
No of First Responses | Number of Issue first responses |
| ttfr_count |
Avg Time To Resolve | Average Time To Resolve the Issue | Count (Resolve Timestamp - Issue Created | avg_ttr |
No of Resolves | Number of Issue Resolves |
| ttr_count |
Avg CSAT | Average CSAT on Issues |
| avg_csat |
No of Issues Rated CSAT | No of Issues Rated 1,2,3,4 and 5 |
| csat1_count,csat2_count, |
Avg Time To Each | Average Time To Each Response to |
| avg_tter |
No of Agent Responses used in Avg TTER | Number of Agent Messages considered in the Avg TTER |
| tter_count |
Open Issue Metrics API (Metrics per Hour or Day)
Metric | What does it measure? | How do we calculate it? | API Parameter name |
Row ID | Unique record ID to "upsert" (update or insert) a record on the target datastore |
| row_id |
Language | Language |
| language |
Platform | Platform |
| platform_type |
App | App Publish Id |
| app_id |
Time | Hourly/daily time window for the aggregated/summarized metrics |
| time |
App Name | Application Name |
| app_name |
Open Issues | Backlog | Count (Issues not Resolved or Rejected) | open_issues |