NOTE: Web/ Email cases are treated as separate apps in reports and are not counted against any specific app. This is consistent across Helpshift dashboard.

The following glossary includes all metrics as they are defined in Power BI for Helpshift. It is designed as a companion to the Power BI Reports Overview.

If you’re interested in getting Power BI for your Dashboard, please see How can I get more out of Helpshift Analytics with Power BI?

  1. Support Analytics
  2. Bot Analytics
  3. Chat Flow Analytics
  4. Agent Analytics
  5. FAQ Analytics

Support Analytics


What does it measure?

How do we calculate it per Agent?

What can I use it for?

Incoming VolumeNumber of new Issues createdIssue Created timestamp within selected rangeSupport Volume
Open IssuesNumber of Issues that are currently open (not Resolved or Rejected)Issue State is NOT (Resolved or Rejected)Support Volume, Support Efficiency
Resolved IssuesNumber of Issues that were ResolvedIssue State is (Resolved)Support Volume, Support Efficiency
Issues Resolved with First ContactNumber of Issues that were Resolved with single Agent ResponseIssue State is Resolved AND Outbound Messages = 1Support Efficiency
FCR (First Contact Resolution) RatePercentage of Issues that were Resolved with First ContactIssues with FCR / Issues Resolved * 100Support Efficiency
Reopen RateReopened Issues by Resolved Issues expressed as a percentageIssues Reopened / Issues Resolved * 100Support Quality
Avg CSATAvg. CSAT for all issues that received the CSAT ratingSum (CSAT Ratings) / Count (CSAT Ratings)Support Quality
Avg Time To First ResponseAverage time taken for the First Agent or Bot responseAvg (Issue First Response Timestamp - Issue First Created Timestamp)Support Efficiency
Avg Time To ResolveAverage time taken to Resolve the IssueAvg (Issue Resolve Timestamp - Issue Created Timestamp)Support Efficiency
Average Handling TimeAverage time taken to Resolve the Issue since First AssignAvg (Issue Resolve Timestamp - Issue First Assign Timestamp)Support Efficiency
Average Holding TimeAverage time taken for First Response on the Issue since First AssignAvg (First Response Timestamp - Issue First Assign Timestamp)Support Efficiency
Average Time for Each ResponseAverage time taken for Each Agent or Bot response to an unanswered User MessageAvg (Agent Response Timestamp - Preceeding User Message Timestamp)Support Efficiency
Monthly Active UsersUnique Active Users of AppUnique active users for the month as measured by App OpensApp Engagement
Contact RateNumber of Issues per 100 AUCount (Issues) * 100 / (AU)Support Engagement
% AU creating IssuesPercentage of unique users creating IssuesCount (AU Creating Issues) / Count (AU)Support Engagement
Outbound InteractionsNumber of messages sent by Agents or BotsCount (Agent or Bot responses to the end-user)Support Efficiency
Inbound InteractionsNumber of messages sent by end-usersCount (messages sent by end-users)Support Efficiency
AcceptsNumber of Issue Resolutions Accepted by UsersCount (Issue Resolutions Accepted)Support Quality
RejectsNumber of Issue Resolution Rejected by UsersCount (Issue Resolutions Rejected)Support Quality
Agent Outbound MessagesCount of messages sent by agents for an issuen/aSupport Efficiency, Automation Efficiency
Custom Bot Outbound MessagesCount of messages sent by custom bots for an issuen/aSupport Efficiency, Automation Efficiency
Other Outbound MessagesCount of messages sent by NIA/TimBA/HS-API/Queue Fallback for an issue (Non-Agent, Non-Custom Bot messages)n/aSupport Efficiency, Automation Efficiency
Automation Category by Outbound Messages

Following are the categories:

  • Fully Automated (No Agents have sent messages)

  • Partially Automated (Agents and Custom Bots have sent messages)

  • Fully Manual (No Custom Bots have sent messages)

  • None of the above (No messages have been sent)

n/aSupport Efficiency, Automation Efficiency
Automation subcategory by Outbound Messages

For the Fully Automated category, below are the subcategories:

  • Custom Bots only

  • Custom Bots + Other outbound

  • Other outbound

For the Partially Automated category, below are the subcategories:

  • Custom Bots and Agents

  • Custom Bots and Agents and Other outbound

For the Fully Manual category, below are the subcategories:

  • Agents only

  • Agents and Other outbound

For the None of the above category, below is the subcategory:

  • Outbound messages not sent

n/aSupport Efficiency, Automation Efficiency
TTFHR (Time to First Human Response)

The time taken for the first human response after the initial Bot and Automation workflow is complete. This includes all continuous automated actions (like NIA and Bots) until the issue is assigned to a queue or agent.

First human agent response timestamp - completion of initial actions completed by NIA & bots 

Bot Analytics

QuickSearch Bot


What does it measure? 

How do we calculate it per Agent?

What can I use it for?

InvocationsNumber of times that QuickSearch Bot was invokedn/aTop of the funnel; gives you an indication of how often QuickSearch Bot is being invoked
FAQ SuggestedNumber of times an FAQ was suggested by QuickSearch Botn/aReviewing how often your FAQs are being suggested 
Suggested FAQ ReadNumber of times a user read at least one FAQ suggested by QuickSearch Botn/aUnderstanding how relevant your FAQs are to your users
DeflectionsNumber of times a user selected "Thanks, that Helped" and did not open a new Issuen/aSeeing how often QuickSearch Bot is successful in deflecting Issues
Failed FAQ DeflectionsNumber of times user clicked on "I need more help" and created an Issuen/aChecking how often QuickSearch Bot is not successful in deflecting new Issues
Deflections %
Number of Deflections / Number of Invocationsn/aReviewing what % of invocations are being deflected by QuickSearch Bot

Custom Bots


What does it measure? 

How do we calculate it per Agent?

What can I use it for?

InvocationsNumber of times a Custom Bot was invokedn/aSeeing how often one of your Custom Bots is being invoked
Step InvocationsNumber of Step Types invoked for Custom Botsn/aSeeing how often different step types in one of your Custom Bots is being invoked
CompletionsNumber of times a Custom Bot completed its execution flown/aChecking how many of the Custom Bot invocations completed successfully
Agent InterruptionsNumber of times a Custom Bot was interrupted by an Agentn/aReviewing how many of times the Bot was interrupted before completing the interaction
Automations InterruptionsNumber of times a Custom Bot was interrupted by an Automationn/aSeeing how many of times the Bot was interrupted before completing the interaction
Issue AssignsNumber of times Issues were assigned to Custom Botsn/aHow many times an Issue was assigned to a Custom Bot
% of Issue AssignsNumber of times Issues were assigned to Custom Bots as a % of total Issuesn/aReview the volume of Issue assigns to your Custom Bots in comparison to the total volume of Issues
Outbound MessagesTotal Outbound Messages sent by a specific Custom Bot to an end usern/aReviewing the outbound messages sent by Custom Bots to users (not including user replies)
% of Outbound MessagesTotal Outbound Messages sent by a Custom Botn/aSeeing the outbound messages sent by Custom Bots
Bot Interaction Time (completion)Average time that Issues were assigned to a Custom Bot when the Bot's interactions were completedn/aSee how long it took on average for a Custom Bot interaction to complete
Bot Interaction Time (interruption)Average Time that Issues were assigned to a Custom Bot when the Bot's interactions were interruptedn/aSee how long on average an Issue was assigned to a Custom Bot before it was interrupted 

Feedback Bots


What does it measure?

How do we calculate it per Agent?

What can I use it for?

InvocationsCounts how many times the specified feedback bot was invoked during the specified date range.n/aCount feedback bot invocations.
CompletionsCounts how many times the specified feedback bot ran successfully to completion during the specified date range.n/aCount feedback bot completions.

Counts the aggregate of all:

  • timer-expiration interruptions

  • new-conversation interruptions

  • other interruptions

during the specified date range.

n/aCount all feedback bot interruptions of all types.
  • Timer Expiration Interruptions

Counts how many times the specified feedback bot was interrupted by the expiration of its own timer during the specified date range.n/aCount feedback bot interruptions due to timer expiration.
  • New Conversation Interruptions

Counts how many times your end-users interrupted the specified feedback bot by starting new conversations during the specified date range.n/aCount feedback bot interruptions due to end-users starting new conversations.
  • Other Interruptions

Counts the aggregate of how many times the specified feedback bot was interrupted during the specified date range, when:

  • A support agent suspected that the associated issue was resolved mistakenly, and sent a followup question to make sure.

  • The associated end-user requested issue redaction, and a GDPR redaction job began.

n/aCount all feedback bot interruptions due to service agents asking followup questions and/or end-users requesting issue redaction.
Step Invocations
Counts how many bot steps (spanning your whole population of feedback bots) were invoked during the specified date range.n/aCount all invoked bot steps across all feedback bots.
Step Completions
Counts how many bot steps (spanning your whole population of feedback bots) ran to completion during the specified date range.n/aCount all completed bot steps across all feedback bots.

Chat Flow Analytics


What does it measure?

How do we calculate it per Agent?

What can I use it for?

Widget LoadsNumber of times the widget was loadedCount (Widget Loads)Funnel
Widget Opens (Existing Issue)Number of times the widget was opened with an existing IssueCount (Widget Opens with an existing Issue)Funnel
Widget Opens (No existing Issue)Number of times the widget was opened without an existing IssueCount (Widget Opens without an existing Issue)Funnel
Conversation StartedNew conversations startedCount (User, without an existing Issue, sends a message)Funnel
Issues CreatedNew Issues CreatedCount (New Issues Created)Funnel
Issues Closed w/o user reading outbound messageIssues where Agent missed responding in timeCount (Issues Resolved or Rejected where there is no User Read Receipt)Funnel
Issues AssignedThe amount of Issues assignedCount (Issues Assigned)Funnel
Issues not assigned in 30 secIssues not assigned quicklyCount (Issues waiting for assignment > 30 sec)Funnel
Inbound MessagesNumber of messages sent by UsersCount (User messages)Funnel
Outbound MessagesNumber of messages sent by Agents or BotsCount (Agent or Bot responses)Funnel
Agent ResolvedIssues Resolved by AgentsCount (Issues Resolved by Agents)Funnel
Agent RejectedIssues Rejected by AgentsCount (Issues Rejected by Agents)Funnel
Automation ResolvedIssues Resolved by AutomationsCount (Issues Resolved by Automations)Funnel
Automation RejectedIssues Rejected by AutomationsCount (Issues Rejected by Automations)Funnel
QuickSearch bot RequestsNumber of requests made to QuickSearch BotCount (number of QuickSearch Bot requests)Support Efficiency
QuickSearch Bot Responses with SuggestionsNumber of QuickSearch Bot responses with FAQ SuggestionsCount (number of QuickSearch Bot responses with FAQ Suggestions)Support Efficiency
QuickSearch Bot Responses without SuggestionsNumber of QuickSearch Bot responses without FAQ SuggestionsCount (number of QuickSearch Bot responses without FAQ Suggestions)Support Efficiency
Suggested FAQs ReadNumber of times users read Suggested FAQCount (numer of times users read one or more Suggested FAQ)Support Efficiency
Issues Deflected with Suggested FAQs Read (In-app users only)Number of times user decided not to contact Agent after reading one or more suggested FAQsCount (issues deflected after reading one or more suggested FAQs)Support Efficiency
Issues Deflected with Suggested FAQs Not Read(In-app users only)Number of times user decided not to contact Agent without reading a suggested FAQsCount (issues deflected without reading suggested FAQs)Support Efficiency
Issues Not Deflected with Suggested FAQs Read(In-app users only)Number of times user decided to contact Agent after reading one or more suggested FAQsCount (issues created after reading one or more suggested FAQs) Support Efficiency
Issues Not Deflected with Suggested FAQs Not Read(In-app users only)
Number of times user decided to contact Agent without reading a suggested FAQsCount (issues created without reading suggested FAQs)Support Efficiency
Get Information bot Requests
Number of requests made to Get Information botCount (number of Get Information bot Requests)Support Efficiency
Name Captured
Number of times User Name was capturedCount (name captured)Support Efficiency
Email Captured
Number of times Email was capturedCount (event captured)Support Efficiency

Agent Analytics


What does it measure?

How do we calculate it per Agent? 

What can I use it for?

Online Agents
Number of Agents who logged into Helpshift Dashboard over a period
Count (Agents Logged in into HS Dashboard)Agent Capacity
Online Hours
Number of hours an Agent was logged in into Helpshift Dashboard
Sum (Online Time of Online Agents)Agent Capacity
Available Hours
Number of hours an Agent was Available for Issue AssignmentsSum (Available Time of Available Agents)Agent Capacity
Outbound Messages
Number of messages sent by Agents or BotsCount (Agent or Bot responses to the end user)Agent Activity
Average Outbound Messages per Resolved Issue
Average of number of Outbound Messages per Resolved IssueCount (Outbound Responses for Resolved Issues) / Count (Resolved Issues)Agent Efficiency
Issue Assigns
Number of Issue Assignments to Agents or BotsCount (Issue Assigns to Agents or Bots)Agent Activity
Issue Touches
Aggregate of Outbound Messages, Issue Resolves and Issue RejectsCount (Outbound Messages, Issue Resolves, Issue Rejects)Agent Activity
Issue Resolves
Reopened Issues by Resolved Issues expressed as a percentageCount (Issue Resolves)Agent Activity
Avg. CSAT for all issues that received the CSAT ratingSum (CSAT Ratings) / Count (CSAT Ratings)Agent Support Quality
Avg Time To First Response
Average time taken for the First Agent or Bot responseAvg (Issue First Response Timestamp - Issue First Created Timestamp)Agent Efficiency
Avg Time for Each Response
Average time taken for Each Agent or Bot response to an unanswered User MessageAvg (Agent Response Timestamp - Preceeding User Message Timestamp)Agent Efficiency
Avg Time To Resolve
Average time taken to Resolve the IssueAvg (Issue Resolve Timestamp - Issue Created Timestamp)Agent Efficiency
Number of Issue Resolutions Accepted by UsersCount (Issue Resolutions Accepted)Agent Support Quality
Number of Issue Resolution Rejected by UsersCount (Issue Resolutions Rejected)Agent Support Quality
Acceptance Rate
Percentage of Issue Resolution Accepts over Total Responses (Accepts and Rejects)(Accepts * 100) / (Accepts + Rejects)Agent Support Quality
Reopen Rate
Reopened Issues by Resolved Issues expressed as a percentage(Reopens * 100) / (Resolves)Agent Support Quality
Last Online Timestamp
Timestamp when the Agent was last OnlineTimestamp when the Agent was last OnlineAgent Capacity
Last Available Timestamp
Timestamp when the Agent was last AvailableTimestamp when the Agent was last AvailableAgent Capacity
Last Login Timestamp
Timestamp when the Agent was last Logged InTimestamp when the Agent was last Logged InAgent Capacity
Total time with open issues when online (hours)
Time when Agent was online and had open issues assignedTime with Open Assigned issues against Agent’s online timeAgent Occupancy
Occupied Online time (%)
Time when Agent had open issues assigned as a percentage of Agent’s online time(Time with Open Assigned issues * 100) / Online timeAgent Occupancy
Total time with open issues when marked as available (hours)
Time when Agent was marked Available and had open issues assignedTime with Open Assigned issues against Agent’s available timeAgent Occupancy
Occupied Available time (%)
Time when Agent had open issues assigned as a percentage of Agent’s available time(Time with Open Assigned issues * 100) / Marked Available timeAgent Occupancy
Avg. Time Weighted Open Assigned Issues
Average number of active issues assigned to the Agent, at a point in timeTime-weighted Sum of Open Assigned Issues / 30 (half an hour)Agent Workload
Avg. Unique Issues Replied
Average number of unique issues replied to in 30 minutes by the AgentAvg (Number of unique issues replied to)Agent Workload

FAQ Analytics


What does it measure?

How do we calculate it per Agent?

What can I use it for?

FAQ ViewsNumber of times FAQ ViewsCount (FAQ Views)FAQ Engagement
FAQ SearchesNumber of FAQ SearchesCount (FAQ Searches) FAQ Engagement
% MAU Reading FAQsPercentage of Active Users reading FAQsCount (AU Reading FAQs)FAQ Engagement
FAQ LikesNumber of Likes per FAQCount (FAQ Likes)FAQ Engagement
FAQ DislikesNumber of Dislikes per FAQCount (FAQ Dislikes)FAQ Engagement
FAQ Last UpdatedTimestamp of last FAQ updateTimestamp of last FAQ updateFAQ Engagement
Successful DeflectionsNumber of times a user opened an FAQ, then did not an Issue within 15 minutes of having opened that FAQCount (Issue was not created within 15 minutes of FAQ View(s))FAQ Engagement
Failed DeflectionsNumber of times a user opened an FAQ, then filed an Issue within 15 minutes of having opened that FAQCount (Issues created within 15 minutes of FAQ View(s))FAQ Engagement
FAQ SearchesAll searches completed within your in-app FAQs, regardless of whether they turned up results or notCount (FAQ Searches)Search Effectiveness
FAQ Searches With No ResultsFAQ searches which turned up zero related FAQsCount (FAQ Searches With No Results)Search Effectiveness
FAQ Searches With No ClicksFAQ searches which turned up some FAQs, but where the user did not click on any of the FAQs that appearedCount (FAQ Searches With No Clicks)Search Effectiveness
Successful SearchesFAQ searches which turned up FAQs where the user clicked on one or more of the FAQs that appearedFAQ Searches - (FAQ Searches with 0 Results + FAQ Searches with 0 Clicks)Search Effectiveness
Total Issues CreatedThe total count of new in-app Issues generated within the given time period. Please note that this metric does not include email or web Issues.Count (Total Issues Created)FAQ Effectiveness
% Issues without prior FAQ viewsNumber of Issues created without viewing any faqs as a % of total Issues.All issues created without faq Views / Sum (All issues created without FAQ Views(For, ios,Android,webchat) + All issues created with FAQ Views)FAQ Engagement