Larger support teams with many different Smart Views are best served by organizing related Smart Views into folders for easy navigation for Agents and other team members. To provide the best user experience, you can create, edit, and reorder your Smart Views into folders to create a great support structure that works best for your team.

Depending on how your support team is structured, you may need to organize your Smart Views in a few different ways: by app, platform, user language, tier of support, and other criteria. While you know your team the best, here are a few exemplary setups for larger support teams. Please note the use of folders, titles, and the order of the Folders and Smart Views when creating your own Smart View structure for your team.

Example #1: Smart Views Organized by App

In this example of a structured set of Smart Views, we have 3 Folders: DemoLand, DemoWorld, and Admins Only. Within those folders are individual Smart Views organized by Tier, Language, and the type of user/Issue.


If your team is structured by tier of support or language, this is a great way to provide Smart Views for each Agent to work out of based on their specialty.

Example #2: Smart Views Organized by Language

Another option for more international organizations is to structure folders around language, then provide organized Smart Views for each app and tier of support. This is beneficial for organizations with very large language-based support teams.


You don’t have to nest all of your Smart Views into folders. For Smart Views that are important to all of your teams, or which need to be highlighted at certain times, you can leave a Smart View outside of the folders. This is great for special cases like promotions, technical issues, unique user cases, and more.

Below is a closer look at the full list of Smart Views & Folders provided in our previous examples.

Example #1


Example #2


To learn how to structure your Smart Views using folders, see How do I organize my Smart Views into folders? To learn how to reorder your Smart Views, see How do I reorder my Smart Views?

Creating and using tags for relevant Issues is imperative to organizing them into the right Smart Views. To learn how to use tags, see How do I create and use tags?

For larger support teams, we strongly recommend the use of Automations. Automations can be used to assign Issues to specific Agents, organize Issues into Smart Views, send Autoreplies and Auto Reminders, and more. To get started, see What are Automations, and how should I use them?